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What would YOU do?

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I would talk to the instructor and start learning the weapons that I need for my grading. Nothing has really changed except for your perception of what everyone else may or may not be thinking.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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yep....and its always good to practice anyways

#1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"

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Well, If the Sensei has granted you the BB, and it's the association guy who's stirring up the fuss, who's school is it anyways? Sensei is the boss. You may want to ask him if anyone has questioned your right to wear the BB. If Sensei is comfortable with it, so should you be.


You may offer to be a probationary BB upon learning the weapons, at Sensei's discretion. As far as I'm concerned, Sensei's opinion is all that matters.


You have the humility to endure this and the techniques to support your position, but don't have to be bullied by some bureaucrat. Trust in your Sensei, he is your guide.

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Don't let someone who has never seen you "in action" question your ability. Your Sensei has seen fit to grade you accordingly.


Don't feel ashamed or concerned about your children seeing you in a white belt, it is an excellent chance to show that learning is a lifetime experience and to never rest on their laurels.


One more thing, remember you truly know your ability and belt level, never let anyone question it.


Best Regards,



A Black Belt is just a white belt that don't know when to quit!

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Yes, I'd say that having a chat with your sensei would be the best way to solve this. He might not realise that you're feeling 'questioned' about your rank. If he's allowed you to train at your current school with a BB, then he obviously has no problems with you wearing it. I know that belts don't matter and that it is technique and ability which do, but if you've earned your belt then you should have to put up with someone from outside your club questioning you about your rank - especially if your Sensei doesn't know!


Train hard and I'm sure that the others in your club will respect you for your skill, even if you do have to wear a white belt again for a short while.


Good luck, I hope you manage to get everything sorted out.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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all good points!

#1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"

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I hate associations. :kaioken:


Look, does the sensi feel the same as this association?


Sounds like no from what you have said.


You earned your DAN, and sounds to me like your skills can back you up.


So learn a weapon. I had to do the same when they decided to requier it too.


If they cannot tell from your skills that you are a dan ( or close to it by what ever standards) than find another school that doesn't have a bunch of political/beurucratic Bull*!#$


You earned your rank, Keep it.

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or here's a simple suggestion;


take a grading and see what everyone thinks.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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Thanks to everybody for all the replies. It's good to have support.


Well, because of my injury, I'm not ready to go back yet anyway. I have been training Kung Fu with an old friend, and we take it easy on my arm. It would be impossible to take it easy on my arm at a dojo. Push ups, sparring, etc...


I will say again, NOBODY doubted my rank from my skills. Everyone understood that the requirements were different back then, and my hand techniques (and foot) speak for themselves.


It would not be possible to take a rank test now, because of the weapons. I do not know them at all, and the degrees of learning for ranks are very different. I know brown belts with a ton of weapons, but still don't know all the empty hand katas. Seems kind of backwards to me. Doesn't "karate" mean empty hand, anyway? I dislike weapons, but was willing to learn them. Anyway, my point is that I may need up to Chinto kata in empty hand, and like 4 other in weapons to meet the brown belt requirement. How would they grade me not knowing ANY weapons? Someone intelligently suggested that I learn the weapons. Fine, but that'll take a long time. There are a lot of katas with weapons, I think. Can anyone in Isshinryu list them here for me?


With all this talk, I have decided to have a conversation with Sensei. I'll tell him that I'm interested in coming back soon, but don't know where I stand in the association. I'll ask him what HE wants me to do. I'll remind him that before I even stepped foot onto the dojo floor, I told him that it would be hard to prove my rank. I'll remind him that I told him about the basement flood, and that HE gave me a new belt to wear because my old one was too small. I'll tell him that I wouldn't have had a problem starting at white, but now that everyone has seen me in black, it is too late. There is no way that I can see myself going back to white now. It's too late. Everyone would laugh at it anyway because they have seen my skills. It just sounds stupid to me. Another thing is that he wasn't charging me any money to train there because (I guess) BB's train for free. We help out a lot. I wonder if he misses me.???

The patch or crest worn by Isshinryu karateka often raises admiration and curiosity. The patch is based on a day dream Tatsuo Shimabuku had in the fifties while he was creating his karate style. This dream was the missing piece in the puzzle called Isshinryu. The patch is often incorrectly called Mizu Gami, which means 'water goddess'. Originally the Isshinryu emblem was called 'Isshinryu No Megami', which means 'Goddess of Isshinryu'. The goddess is the Goddess of Isshinryu karate and not the goddess of water.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bah! Silly ranks...


And here is yet one more reason why ranks are more a hindrance than a boon. A means for paper-pushers to mess with 'learning' and 'growth.'


You said it already and it matters a lot. You earned a BB a long time ago. Being able to prove it is irrelevant, as the instructor of this particular dojo believed you and has posed the BB to you, therefore it is yours and cannot be taken back.


It is now the instructor's responsibility to 'maintain' your honor and the integrity of his decisions to that paper-pusher in the association.


My recommendation is to state your grievances to the instructor and state that you are being called a 'liar' by this paper-pusher. You may ask the instructor if he shares the paper-pusher's thoughts. If he does not, and he still believes in your veracity, then respectfully request the instructor to mend the situation with the association (in other words, have the instructor talk to the paper-pusher), as it is interfering with your ability to maintain studies and provide assistance in his dojo. Possibly even request an apology be given by this paper-pusher, to both you and your instructor.


I suppose some of the lingering questions here are, how did you find out this guy was looking into this whole thing? Did the instructor tell you, or did this paper-pusher tell you? Did one of your fellow classmates tell you, or are you running on rumors?


Another thing... if you wish assistance in locating your previous instructor, shoot me a PM. I may be able to assist in your research efforts... maybe. But... in all honesty, i don't think it is even remotely important.


All in all, it doesn't matter whether you can pass the test now, or not. What matters is whether you feel you earned that rank, and whether you actually did earn it. If you don't feel comfortable wearing it, put it aside. If you do, then dismiss the foolish nay-sayers. There will 'always' be those who question the veracity of your claims... but the belt is merely a token... a means to display your knowledge in the 'basics,' rather than having to do your katas everytime someone asks you how much knowledge you have in that particular system.


And last, don't allow your pride to make rash decisions for you. You stated clearly that the instructor did not mean to hurt you. If you 'truly' believe that, then let it go. If you are having doubts about this... then question him directly. Speculating is not going to do you any good and it will likely fester into an open wound that will eventually cause serious problems for you. I.e., when posed with questions, it is best to promptly obtain the answers. Your instructor has those answers, so talk to him (as you stated you would).

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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