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What has Martial Arts done for you?

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Hi all - I asked this question on the old board and am asking it here again. I would really love to hear from all of you about what martial arts has done to change your lives - no matter how big or small the change... :karate:


This Message was edited by: Kickbutt on Jun 24, 2001 6:35pm

If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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Hey, this is more of a general question and not just KickBoxing, so I moved it. :smile:


What have Martial Arts done for me? They have allowed me to create this great website and meet all of you. :smile:


I am a nice guy! LOL



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AAAAHHHHHH c'mon and admit it Partick - YOU LOVE IT!!! HAHA! :nod:

If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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Oi!! stop flirting Lori! Hahaha!!! :lol:


Martial Arts have been a part of my life for about two thirds of it. I have been learning various armed and unarmed combat techniques since i was 6, and am now 18.


I live and breathe martial arts, and i love a good discussion. I can protect myself and others with a degree of proficiency and i feel safer due to this.


Perhaps it has made me a little arrogant as well, but i realise i'm not perfect and i show respect where i consider it is due.


Thanx peoples,


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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I have been in Martial Arts for 6 years. I started out in Kickboxing. My teacher didn't see any potential in me and gave up on me. I left his teaching and took up Shito Ryu Karate. At first I was very cocky and started to show it. My sensei then proceeded to kick my ass in front of the class. I was severly humbled. He took me to the side and said that I have what it takes to be a champion. I just have to listen and learn. So, I listened and learned and LIVED karate. I went to two tournaments and failed miserably. I went to the Vancouver title tournament and won it. I am now Vancouver Champion. I owe it all to my Sensei, my Sempai, my parents and everyone who helped out. I don't give it to my friends because they never believed in my abilities. So, screw them, LIVE karate, and have fun.



"Never hit a man while he's down; kick him, its easier"

Sensei Ron Bagley (My Sensei)

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I admire you for persevering in the face of so much adversity...I am very glad for you that you found someone who believed in you - you deserve that. Thanks for your inspiring story and keep believing in yourself! :nod:



If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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hmmmm what has kickboxing done for me...i beleive that it has given me the added confidence of being able to protect myself/family and has increased my fitness a lot, which also took me away from drugs because i used to do quite a lot of drugs and just found it SHIT going to training and coughing and being out of breath so i gave all that up, gives me something to aim for also, like my black belt, i know that when i acheive the belts that ive really worked for them nd deserve them :grin:



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Martial Arts have done alot for me. Before I starter Shotokan Karate I was really shy and scared of confrontation, but now I've been doing Karate for 6 years and I am more out going and not 'scared'


Karate has also taught me how to control my aggression coz I just let it all out on my sparing partner! (poor guy. Haha.) :evil:


Karate has developed my personality alot as well as keeping me in good shape :smile:





"In combat know the enemys rhythm, use a rhythm he cannot anticipate, upset his rhythm, and win." Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645)


Chris Pullan.

1st Dan Shotokan Karate. (KUGB)

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