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Oyama and Nichiren Buddhism


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Here is a little I found about Oyama and Nichiren. Apparently a Korean gentleman named So Nei-Chu turned Oyama torwards the Nichiren sect. Maybe some others here know more. Hope this helps some. :karate:


So Nei-Chu - The GoJu teacher that helped put Mas Oyama on the path that lead to Kyokushin, said of So Nei-Chu, "When I was driven almost to self-ruin, Mr. So Nei-Chu, an elder of my native province, rescued me from the crisis. Mr. So, a thinker and master of karate, was a rare man of character and confidence. Moreover, he was a devotee of the Nichiren Sect. He preached to me that martial arts and religion are inseparably united and taught me the scripture of his sect.


When I was at my wits' end as to what to do and went to see him, Mr. So, after encouraging me, said, 'You had better withdraw from the world. Seek solace in nature. Retreat to some lone mountain hide out to train your mind and body. In three years you will gain something immeasurable. As the proverb goes, "Temper the heated iron before it gets cold, so train yourself in self discipline before you grow older if you wish to be a great man."'


When I heard Mr. So's advice, I felt as if I had been awakened and I suddenly understood the path to take. The Oriental Confucian maxim is: 'First train one's self, manage a household, and then reign of over a country.' It is essential to train one's self if one wants to administer the affairs of state wealth.


To Mr. So, I shall forever be grateful for his advice and instruction which made me what I am as a karate master. I made up my mind to concentrate on the difficult road ahead. I reviewed all the futile actions I had taken in the past and decided, as advised by Mr. So, to isolate myself at Mt. Kiyozumi in Chiba Prefecture."


So it is that we touch those in our lives without the slightest ideal of what greatness can come from the right word at the right time.

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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