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Senior's entering competition


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I am curious. How come senior dan grades do not enter kata/kumite competitions? I am also referring to senior in age, too.


I am thinking of entering some competitions and was even thinking about possibly preparing to try for the UK kata squad but I am suddenly is this right? I personally find I perform kata to a good standard and so feel confident about competition.


What are the views on here about this?



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If you wanna enter kata competitions then go for it!


If you feel confident in your abilities then I'd suggest you juste kept on training and preparing and ignore the lack of 'seniors' in comps.




Being in competition should be about the skill of the competitor, not necessarily age or dan grade.

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I am curious. How come senior dan grades do not enter kata/kumite competitions? I am also referring to senior in age, too.


Referring to upper Dan grades, I would guess that the majority of them just have no interest in competing anymore and have nothing to "prove" by competition. Personally, I'm 51 years old and have been at this for 29+ years now, and I enjoy judging and referring more than competing. However, in this particular area, I know of several people with fairly high legitimate rank, and are over 50 that still actively compete, and usually win over lower Dan ranks and much younger competitors. For me, it's enjoyment enough to watch these "old foggies" like myself go in there and whip up on these youngsters! lol

I am thinking of entering some competitions and was even thinking about possibly preparing to try for the UK kata squad but I am suddenly is this right? I personally find I perform kata to a good standard and so feel confident about competition.


Personally, I don't see why there is any sort of age limit on kata competition. Whether you are 30, or 80...kata is kata, and if you do it well, then enter. Age and rank shouldn't be a factor at all. Sparring can be a different issue though, and that is a decision you need to make for yourself.

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In some arts, high level seniors aren't allowed to compete by the National or Federation guidelines. Part of it is probably, like was said, they have no real need to prove themselves. I think another part is that even high ranking seniors have people who are better than them, and to lose in front of yourt students would change the teacher-student relationship.


As for age seniors, you're never too old to train and compete.

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I think another part is that even high ranking seniors have people who are better than them, and to lose in front of your students would change the teacher-student relationship.


Now this is a differance in thinking here. Personally, I like it when a student of mine out performs me in sparring or kata.


Do you know why?


Simple. I taught him, and he has surpassed me on some level. This, to me anyway, reflects that I am doing a good job..or at least, the job of a sensei, which is to pass on his/her knowledge of an art to others.


I rarely have a student beat me in sparring, and kata is somewhat subjective of course, but when a student (my sempai makes me do this) gives me a good run for my money in sparring, or defeats me (maybe once every 5-6 matches)..then I slap them on the back, tell them something like "Excellent job!", and get warm fuzzy feelings all over my body because of it. :karate:

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Our top brass dont compete, I think its disrespectful to them or somehting to compete with the lower ranks. (ie they're afraid theyll lose :D ) but our older shodan/nidan go agaisnt each other. some of the fights are brutal- probably another reason why they dont often happen. The younger black belts are usually lumped in with us browns, and its kinda fun to beat the ones who should be about 7th kyu and were rushed through cos they payed enough money.

3rd Kyu - Variant Shotokan


"We staunt traditionalists know that technique is nowhere near as important as having your pleats straight when you die."

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There is a difference among shotokan groups between which kata is gojushiho sho and which is gojushiho dai. The disagreement stems from a tournament where a very high ranking karateka announced one of those katas and then did the other one. So some groups said to themselves "Well someone that highly ranked cannot be wrong from now on we will reverse the names on the katas.".
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