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You consider Karate a Combat MA? Hmm. Interesting. O.K.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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TKD is NOT a sport! Sport TKD or Olympic TKD is sport but not all TKD is sport oriented and that is not a thing of the past! Traditional Taekwon-Do is not far away in the hills of Korea in millions of years past. It is alive and well in those that practice it. Furthermore, it is readily available for those who might open their eyes and search!


Sir, why do you spend such time speaking with contempt for Taekwon-Do...you could be training something other than your propaganda muscles!


P.S. I read the reply on the "Is TKD the same as Karate"...I gave the rest of the story to allow one to fairly reason their own opinions of "politics"...as opposed to your attempted spread of propoganda!



Sir, I am a Maam!


Understand, I do not have a probelm with TKD. There are schools that do teach traditional TKD. But by an large most teach WTF SPORT TKD. While many of the students are good tounemnt fighters,They are not learnning SD. I don't have a problem with that. I DO have a problem when some WTF instructor is telling people that the jump spining * kick they just did 500 times will save them on the street.




Finally, Go read learn some real history of TKD and you will see you have been


taught propoganda!


Mrs. Akima,


All history is propaganda because it is not 100% factual...only pure through the eyes of the writer (and this is given he is not partial)!


Furthermore, if it is the WTF you are mad at then why do you speak of Gen. Choi with such contempt?


Finally, what do you consider REEL TKD HISTORY?



Do not defend against an attacker, but rather become the attacker...Destroy the enemy!


Understand, I do not have a probelm with TKD. ... I DO have a problem when some WTF instructor is telling people that the jump spining * kick they just did 500 times will save them on the street.




I have a problem with that also, no matter what system is being taught. If a school wants to concentrate on sport ma's and bills itself accordingly, that is fine with me. But to teach sport and call it self defense is a lie that reflects badly on all the martial arts. Unfortunately, this occurs all too often in far too many systems. I don't know how prevalent ithis is in other parts of the country, but most TKD schools in my region are a little more honest about what they are doing. Most of the schools in my area teach either pure self defense TKD or a combination of sport and SD. All are non-traditional, most incorporate other systems but have TKD as a base. There is one school in a neighboring town that trains mostly people that actually use TKD in their jobs. These guys go hard contact on a weekly basis, and can hold their own with any body. The school I joined allows me a lot of leeway in interpreting their system to fit my base (American Kenpo). They teach the high kicks for tournaments and because they develope technique and ballance. But no one is forced to do any of the tournament stuff, and it is allways emphasized that high kicks are not for SD situations. I'd be careful about generalizations or lumping all TKD schools into one category. It may have been concieved as a standard, unifying national art, and as the Korean national sport. But over here it is neither standardized, unified, nor allways sportified.

Freedom isn't free!




I agree


I don't mean to be lumping all TKD schools into one category. There are still some good ones out there.


I do feel that over the years, many more are becoming watered down Mcdojos, karate day cares, areobic kickboxing. etc


I agains stress that not all are doing this.


It sounds like you found a good school.


The term "Martial" means meant or designed to be used in war or battle. And "Art" means a way of expressing yourself or a higher way of doing something, a way that seems to imply more than just haphazard set of techniques. Based on this, boxing could be classified as a martial sport, a sport directly designed to hurt someone in the interests of scoring a point. This is not the same as hockey or football. In those, hurting someone is a side product of trying to score points, not the mission itself. By this definition, tournament Tae Kwon Do would be classified the same (martial sport), because the mission is to physically hit someone to score points. The difference is, boxing is much more limited in allowed techniques. Therefore, tournament TKD fighters should be considered martial athletes-sportsmen who hit their opponents to make points.


Martial art, however, implies something much deeper-battlefield techniques practiced as a way to achieve personal enlightenment. We practice character building, philosophy, and self control. Things like this boxing does not concern itself with. For this reason, I'm not sure I would consider Brazilian Jujitsu a martial art as much as a fighting style. To me, the oriental styles that end in "Do" may be considered martial arts. Otherwise, they are fighting styles.

My opinion-Welcome to it.


Regarding Hwa Rang Do: Tae Kwon Do did NOT come from Hwa Rang Do. HRD did not exist until recently. Joo Bang Lee claimed that what he taught was descended directly from the Hwa Rang warriors of 1500 years. But this is not true. He was caught lying to his students, and finally admitted that HRD is a recent creation.


Our students visited the Hwa Rang Academy in Korea. They were told by Academy historians that (a) the Hwa Rang did exist (b) they practiced various fighting styles, including tae kyon, in the course of their training © there was never a single martial art called Hwa Rang Do.


If anything, HRD-Hapkido-Kuksoolwon are all related and similar. Except for the kicking, none of them are related to TKD.

My opinion-Welcome to it.

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