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Are you sick of hearing about the Gracies? and why?

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I get sick of the exact opposite - The TMA guys who say they can just do technique X to stop a grappler, but then can't back it up.


I get sick of the TMA who piggyback off of their ancestor's rep. Just because Chang Tung Sheng, Sun Lu Tang, Wah lun Choi, etc. was a great fighter, that doesn't mean that you are by default.


I'm agree with the first part. Yes, If you THINK you can stop a grapple with certain techniques but you haven't actually Try them on an grappler. If it's all theory of yours or something you sensei told you, then you are just talking B.S.


Now about the second part, well i can say the same about MMA people. Just because the Gracies are great fightes doesnt mean you are a great figther by default and also doesn't give you the right to bash other styles. It works both ways i guess.

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I think its cool if they can be so good to get that much credit. But I also think there are many out there that deserve credit like that...but then again, its up to them

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Okay for my opinion. I think the Gracies are awesome. They did a lot to revolustion martial arts to the mass public by exposing the weakness to us of are ground game and educating the importance of it to us. I think they are awesome at what they do.


Yes Hero worship does drive me crazy. But then again some people need a hero some one to really look up to. Me I got my dad and few other people in life. What annoys me though is the people that watch the first 3 UFC's and think Royce in which they pronouce it ("R"ocye) Which gets on my nerves. But think he is unbeateable. Those who watched pride seen the Sakraba vs. Gracie matches. We seen the Dan Henderson vs. Renzo. The Wallid vs. Royce. They are invincible so the nuthuggers do drive me nuts. but I am greatful for the gracies have done and the art they taught. As well as others like the Machado's and other peoiple that spread this information. Jiu-Jitsu and MMA is my favorite sport. so in that I can say I am a biased fan of these sports compared to others.


But that same Hero worship gets on my nerves like Bruce Lee. Great martial artist, good philospher which is alot of his therios and concepts of martial arts come from. Is eastern Philosophy and Taoism reworded. Or related to Martial arts. He braught alot of exposure to other martail arts becasue of Jeet Kune do concepts and through is movies and domonstration at the Ed Parker tourny's. So he is good in that respect. But I think people again think he is invincible.


Oh and yes the people that Ride on a founders rep. Is a bit looney and dilusional. That goes for the BJJ'ers the JKD guys the Karate, TKD, the Ninpo or Taijitsu guys, MMA and many others. It goes to ways. Either you can make what you do work. Or you can't. What others can do is irrevelent.


That being said. Thank you ever one so much for your opinions on this thread. Much appreciated



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I dislike the Gracies very much!


They are good martial artists, but they're over rated, and they are considered legendary by many people. Also, most of the practioners of BJJ think that BJJ is the best art, and they disrespect other arts.

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Yeah that is a very huge generalzation. I Find alot of the practioners who respect other arts and shows those who train in those arts respect.



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Sevenstar said:

I get sick of the exact opposite - The TMA guys who say they can just do technique X to stop a grappler, but then can't back it up.


I get sick of the TMA who piggyback off of their ancestor's rep. Just because Chang Tung Sheng, Sun Lu Tang, Wah lun Choi, etc. was a great fighter, that doesn't mean that you are by default.


I agree with you, but I don't blame the martial art for that. I blame the person. I don't look at other MA's and just blow them off as *. I look at them and see what might be useful for me to use. MA's in the past have always been about adapting and they should continue that way. This includes all MA's with no exceptions. I'll gladly get in the ring with someone who doubts what I am learning is *, but I will not fight fair. If I change the way I fight to accomodate rules than I probably won't do that well unless I start seriously thinking about training for the ring. I don't think I'm at the age or have the desire to be a ring fighter, it's just not something I'm really interested in doing. So the next time TMA guy disses you challenge him.

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are willing to endure pain with patience."

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"The Gracies actually helped conceive the UFC, and as a result we have the MMA competitions of today."


I respect the Gracie's for what they have contributed to the develop BJJ BUT I don't put the conception of the UFC as a great accomplishment. Actually I think the UFC debases the martial arts. The martial arts isn't a game or sport. Ultimately it's about living and dying. IMHO it's not about two guys in a cage beating the stuffing out of each other for money.


I don't buy that the UFC is good because it shows what is or isn't effective in a real situation. If you want to know what's effective in a real situation find instructors that have experience training police officers, Army Rangers, Special Forces, Navy Seals, etc., etc.


The UFC is about money, bottomline.

"The longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?" Benjamin Franklin

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