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fighting program

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hey guys, well, ive decided to prepare nice and early for my tournament in september....itll be good just to get the experience under my belt.


anyways, i was wondering if you could give me a little help with my program, coz well, ill need a lot.


k, think ive got my diet planned. so ill leave that out.


allright, in class, we do little, actually, virtually no sparring, and i dont really have anyone to spar with...so that is a major problem i know, because there is no real supplement for it....so ill have to find a way to work in some sparring/kumite experience somehow. btw, i train in kyokushin, ive been doing it for about 6 months, so im not very good haha.


allright, i work nightshift, so i can work out till the arvo: plan was to stretch everyday. do 3 sets of sit ups/knuckle push ups on mon, tues, thurs. bag work on mon and thursday. i train in the dojo 45 mins on monday(work after) 1.5 tues, 1.5 wed, 1.25 thurs and 1 hour(light session)on friday. we do train really hard in terms of fast paced workouts, so i guess its a lot of cardio and explosive fitness, it really takes it out of everyone, im reasonably fit and im always stuffed. so i guess my main query is....since i train so hard at nights, would i be unwise to go and do intense sessions on the bag on monday and thursday? would i best to do slower but stronger punched etc and just work on technique?


any help would be great, if you could post a proper training program you ave followed it would be great, any suggestions, improvements or additions to the program would be awesome.


thanks guys (y)

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Is it Semi or Full contact? either way for a tournement theres no subsitute for sparring, in fact if u dont practice sparring regularly and gain some good experienece ur'll get nailed instantly in the tourny. Talk to ur sensei and ask to do a bit of sparring and the end of each lesson. Edited by Rich_2k3

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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You do kyokushin and you don't spar???


That sounds strange to me, but then again I'm not kyokushin.


I agree with Rich; try to find someone (preferably a higher belt) to spar with as much as possible. If you can't do it in class then do it outside class.


Just work on 2 or 3 attacking techniques and nothing more. In sparring just keep on doing these techniques; in whatever position you are. On the counter, when you are attacking, whenever. Try to score with only these techniques and don't worry about doing high spinning back kicks, or whatever.


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if you dont find a sparring partner, you're boned!....ask your instructor for sparring time, and find one from your class, whom you can spar with

Never think that Karate is practiced only in The Dojo. The entire world is a Dojo, and true Karate training takes place twenty-four hours a day.

/Gichin Funakoshi Sensei

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If your instructor is aware that you are entering the tournament, then he/she should set aside time for sparring. Maybe they will but don't see the need to do so, as it is only January.


I'd say work on your stamina now as that is what most people fail on in a fight. Do some long jogging / running with plenty of sprints in there, to get your mind and heart ready for some serious action.


Shadow boxing is good along with bag work to get the fighting spirit building but at the end of the day, you will need some sparring. Light practice sparring, up to full, competition-like sparring with constant pressure rounds to contend with. If there is nobody suitable in the class to spar with, then ask your instructor to volunteer themselves.


Either way - best of luck and have fun :)

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oh, also, i was wondering if anyone could give me a bit of help putting together a bag workout. that is, what techniques to(want all round kyokushin workout) how many reps, what intensity and where to put in combo prac etc. i would be able to work out what techniques to practice actually, i just need to know how long to do them, and at what intenisty/combinations etc..
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I cant beleive u guys dont do sparring, its is THE best way to train, theres no subsitute. Its like hitting a tennis ball against the wall and serving by ur self, u'll get really good at it and ur technique will be great but u enter a tournement and u'll get absolutely nailed big time. Guys i'm not joking, sparring is so important, especially if ur gonna enter a tournement, its just so important.


"Nothing neats experience"

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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