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Besides most BJJ aren't good at take downs to be honest. Alot of them jump to guard. This is why you get people like Megaton Diez who is a bb in Judo. Or you get people like BJ penn and others who work on wrestling to improve there take downs.



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are you familiar with the name OmegaPoint?


Hahaha! You finally figured it out. I agree with almost everything you post, here and elsewhere. Most folks just ain't got it. You know that killer instinct, and natural fighters are few and far between. People say that forums just focus on lip service. You can tell how proficient and knowledgable someone is by the words they use and the experiences they detail. We really do agree on practically everything.


No, my Sensei never trained in grappling except for tuite/ti/tegumi principles inherent in Matsumura's style, although fullbacks learn a bit about the clinch if you know what I mean. He just understands things and really delves into his art 110%. He has practiced diligently everyday forever now, and other than being a "Tree Surgeon", MAs is his only job. His dojo is in his backyard. All concrete, floors and all. Ouch!


Anyway, good lookin' out 7*.


Jeff: Of course I know of Anthony Sandoval. He also trained with my sensei and is very good. Is he your instructor? Anyway, I agree with you on the TMA point. Most around nowadays just plain suck for real fighting purposes. Remember, White Crane is a true TMA to the core.


TJS: Remco Pardeu. I forgot that cat. He was alright with that limp wristed Frankenstein fighting stance and all, hahahaha! Most of those guys you mentioned did not fight Royce. Most of them would have been toast if they did. All the guys you mentioned were big, athletic types. Was Dan Sevsern or Don Frye in those first 3 UFCs? There are so many of those bastidges I just can't remember (aren't they on UFC 1000 now?). Anyway, Frye and Severn weren't scrubs. I really liked Don Frye. I forgot that guy. A lot of the guys in the first UFC definitely were. Great topic guys. Peace...




O.K.! Let's see what stands the test of time. The quick fixes or the long-term cures. Later lovers...

Yes, there is a right and wrong way....

There is no "Do" without "Jutsu"!

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No Mr. Sandoval isn't my teacher out right. I been to several of his seminars and talked to him numerous times on the phone. I know he trained Ron Lindsey. I seen Ron on the tapes I was shown of Mr. Sandoval's Seminars. My instructor is larry Naranjo. He has been with Mr. Sandoval the longest when Mr. Sandoval Lived in Arizona. This was back in 92 until currenlty. He is in charge of all the White Crane stuff for Tony. https://www.sandovalkaratekobudofederation.com is his website.


When I get statioined at Ft. benning I would end up training with Mr. Sandoval. If I don't get deployed. He currently resides in GA.


Yeah I know white Crane is a good system. But like any thing you got to find the right teacher. I am sure you seen quite a few Shorin Ryu teachers who are well....less then exceptable. So over all becaue of Mcdojo's TMA has got a bad rep. Very few good teachers.



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Oh and don't get worked up when I troll for BJJ. I did come to find this site off of a MMA forum by the way. So when I get bored. I do troll. One of the reasons why one of the threads I made about BJJ being the best style there. Got locked up. lol! Do I believe it. Not at all. I am just getting a rise out of people out of boredom don't take me seriously if I say MMA or BJJ is the ultimate or in similiar manner.


Take care my Shorin Ryu friend.



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are you familiar with the name OmegaPoint?


Hahaha! You finally figured it out. I agree with almost everything you post, here and elsewhere. Most folks just ain't got it. You know that killer instinct, and natural fighters are few and far between. People say that forums just focus on lip service. You can tell how proficient and knowledgable someone is by the words they use and the experiences they detail. We really do agree on practically everything.


No, my Sensei never trained in grappling except for tuite/ti/tegumi principles inherent in Matsumura's style, although fullbacks learn a bit about the clinch if you know what I mean. He just understands things and really delves into his art 110%. He has practiced diligently everyday forever now, and other than being a "Tree Surgeon", MAs is his only job. His dojo is in his backyard. All concrete, floors and all. Ouch!


Anyway, good lookin' out 7*.


It took me long enough, didn't it? I'm sittin here thinking hmm...gjj, okinawan karate, PI....

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Heard!!. No, not biased, just ignorant! What you says is that every one doing BJJ, no matter where they stands or how long there trained, can take/own every one who is doing TMA no matter how long there trained...bla bla bla. Hey, even a norrow minded soul knows that is * big time.


No wonder most MMA/BJJ schools are SO expensive then, there are not after everyones money, they just wants the "best", most dedicaded students, right?


It's the same story now as it was with Bruce Lee some decades ago, when he said TMA was no good, he also was making his "own" system, JKD, in to a big hit and wanted people to change over to his system, it's the same *, just added a new wraping!


Be "a fighter" as mush as you like, I don't care! To bad people buying this shi7, but shi7 happens!

If the first lesson was a failure, then you know that skydiving isn't for you!

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try this experiment. go to the closest bjj school to you. ask to spar with a guy that has only 6 - 12 months of experience. Chances are, he'll get you down. just like you train to remain standing, he trains to take people down - it's what he does. Nothing wrong with that, just learn to defend takedowns.


As far as price, bjj is usually not that expensive, unless you are training at a school that is taught by a black belt. considering what some TMA guys charge for seminars, you really have no room to talk there. That's all relative though.


it's not about tma being no good, it's about adapting to become the best you can be. judo guys killed the tjj guys because even though the tjj guys used deadly techniques, they didn't spar. bjj guys in the early 90's killed strikers because they did no groundwork. mma in the late 90's killed bjj guys because they could strike and grapple, whereas the bjj guys could only grapple...

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Also heared! Sorry 7*, I know he maybe get me to the ground, but changes are that he get very hurt when trying to!. I'm just sick of the argumentation all the time, thats all. Some has seen a video clip of this and that style gotten beat and thats it, everyone of that perticular style can be beaten, period! But if I say the other way around can happen all he77 is breaking loose, coz no one in UFC has ever bean beaten by it, so it will not happen, period! See my point of viuw?


Lets make a litte senario: Me and my lady, who also practice Wing Chun, is a trip to town a saturday night and standing there waiting for a taxi to take us home we are jumped by:


1. Avarage Joe?


2. A serial killer or a bad rapist, out to do us both?


or, like everyone seems to believe


3, a wrestler/BJJ ?


Pick a number, who do you think is more likelly to jump us in a self defence situation?


Gee, I think I'll go for # 3, coz wrestlers/BJJ are such a bad sportsmen and usually jumps unaware peoples on saturday nights just for fun.............


I train for self defence and self defence only, I have no intentions fighting it out with a wrestler, but I'm not so sure as you are that of the outcome IF it happend........


Avarage joe on the other hand..... :D :D


What I do not know is how anyone can be so sure about every grappler out there can take every TMAist out there? Is it just because you'll seen it on a video and based it on that? Or have you tryed it for yourself?. I mean, how can you really, REALLY know?


:-? :-?


(I'm not even sure if I AM training a TMA, coz the Wing Chun I train is constantlly changing and as far I can see it has only learned me to fight with whats gonna work in a streetfight, with good live training and lot of reality(I had a couple of teeth knocked out a couple of month a go inspite I was wearing teeth protection). Thats baseed from actuall street fighting in my younger days, not a video!!)


See http://www.thewingchunschool.com/html/Gary.htm to what this is.


or maybe this: http://www.thewingchunschool.com/html/articles.htm would be of any interest...



If the first lesson was a failure, then you know that skydiving isn't for you!

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