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What is it that you love about your chosen path?

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I have to say that I have wanted to learn and study the MA since I was a kid but never did start until I was older (34). I have been in it now for almost 4 years and would not trade a moment of it. I have truly found a passion in my life.


I originally wanted to study the MA for the discipline, confidence, and the power that it gives you. Since I have started, I have found that I have learned that and so much more, which would include friendships and bonds between fellow karateka. I would never imagined but it has been so rewarding.


I have been very proud of our style and our Sensei in that he has incorporated different styles into one so that our training is not limited. We study mainly the Okinawan style of Shodokan and Shorei but self-defense, Akido and other styles are mixed in. We focus on the basics, which as it has been said by others, is what MA is all about. Without the basics we have nothing.


"Flash is trash without the basics"


The best thing about our school is that our Sensei is a Christian and our dojo is at our church. So our training is God centered and there are no political agenda's to have to deal with. Besides that, there is no charge for our class, so you cant beat that. We have to pay for our Gi's but not our belts.......we earn those. Our Sensei teaches for his love for the art and wants to serve others by passing along his 35+ years of expereience and training to others.

Red belt - Hon-Shin-Do

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I am in Tae Kwon Do and I really love it I've to say because even though in some of the forums, there are a lot of tkd bashing and to tell you the truth I don't really like that because all styles have there strenghts and weaknesses.
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I love shotokan for loads of reasons. First, its a challenge for me (this is also infuriating at times!) and when I've finally got something right its the best feeling! Its also got some amazing kata, and there is no part of it that i dislike (expect the spinning kicks that we did last night...ok everybody else did them except me who fell on the floor :roll: ). The people at my club are great as well, i've made some really good friends. Oh yeah - last but not least, I met my fiance there! :D

"Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals . . . except the weasel."

- Homer J Simpson

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I love Karate becuse its enjoyable, practical and keeps me fit, I love the grace of movement but also the power and style that comes with it, I love sparring and expressing my self through my body. I love the fact that I can walk down the street and have the complete confidence to defend myself. I think martial arts, whether it be Karate, TKD, kung fu, ju jitsu or whatever is a fantastic tradition, that deserves total respect. Think about it, were part of somthing that has evolved over hundreds of years to what it is today, right from the Shaolin temples of the Chinese mountains to the small Island of Okinawa, and although it may have changed somewhat from then, and the world around it has changed, it still holds the same traditions and core aspects that are tought today in Dojos all around the world. I feel proud to be part of it and I cant imagine my life without it. Amazing.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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I started with Shaolin Kempo. First class I learned how to get out of a double hand wrist lock by pulling aginst the thumbs. I liked the few concepts in it. Since then I moved on to Hakutsuru. I liked the way the instructor taught later on it became one on one training with him. We ended up just trianing in his garage in regular clothes no * just trianing then afterwards chill and have a few beers. I enjoyed that type of relationship, became my friend and the concepts he he showed were amazing little details of applying my weight, diffrent torques and turns in the hands and body movement that make the techniques work so well. How to use the body more efficently. Even though its frusterating as heck. How to hit harder and more deeper into the muscle, how to hit more inside then instead of a surface hit. I enjoyed the physics and science behind the training and how the concepts carryed on to other styles so that got me hooked was the concept training. Never met another person who really taught like that or had as much indepth knowlege least conepts and how to make the human body work.


I do bjj because I enjoy the competion and comadrie between other Jiu-Jitsu practioners. I enjoy the thinking side. I enjoy the sports competion its a fun game and sport. I enjoy it because its a chess match. I enjoy the counters and the counter to the counters, the resistanting oppenent trying to beat you and you come out on top. Its a great art and has good concepts of leverage, angles, and keeping your balance and base.


Although I may not agree with every one's oppinoin on the forum or how certain styles do things or instructors present material or teach. All in all weather be, TKD, Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ, silat, Wing Chun/Wing Tsun, boxing, wrestling, Mauy thai, Karate Okinawan or Japense, or some Kung fu art or any art in general. People do the arts for some personal reason, not every ones reasons are the same. But if it is contrstive and effects your life positvely and which I do believe MA does. Then I think its good.


Its good to have brother/sisterhood in the martial arts good way to bring people to gether, to learn and to have a good time.



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I started with Shaolin Kempo. First class I learned how to get out of a double hand wrist lock by pulling aginst the thumbs. I liked the few concepts in it. Since then I moved on to Hakutsuru. I liked the way the instructor taught later on it became one on one training with him. We ended up just trianing in his garage in regular clothes no * just trianing then afterwards chill and have a few beers. I enjoyed that type of relationship, became my friend and the concepts he he showed were amazing little details of applying my weight, diffrent torques and turns in the hands and body movement that make the techniques work so well. How to use the body more efficently. Even though its frusterating as heck. How to hit harder and more deeper into the muscle, how to hit more inside then instead of a surface hit. I enjoyed the physics and science behind the training and how the concepts carryed on to other styles so that got me hooked was the concept training. Never met another person who really taught like that or had as much indepth knowlege least conepts and how to make the human body work.


I do bjj because I enjoy the competion and comadrie between other Jiu-Jitsu practioners. I enjoy the thinking side. I enjoy the sports competion its a fun game and sport. I enjoy it because its a chess match. I enjoy the counters and the counter to the counters, the resistanting oppenent trying to beat you and you come out on top. Its a great art and has good concepts of leverage, angles, and keeping your balance and base.


Although I may not agree with every one's oppinoin on the forum or how certain styles do things or instructors present material or teach. All in all weather be, TKD, Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ, silat, Wing Chun/Wing Tsun, boxing, wrestling, Mauy thai, Karate Okinawan or Japense, or some Kung fu art or any art in general. People do the arts for some personal reason, not every ones reasons are the same. But if it is contrstive and effects your life positvely and which I do believe MA does. Then I think its good.


Its good to have brother/sisterhood in the martial arts good way to bring people to gether, to learn and to have a good time.



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Well, I was shown Judo back in high school and thought, WHOA! That's AWESOME, even before it became a common word in teen lingo :lol:


I took that for three years and was thoroughly enthralled with it.


The physical, scientific, mental, and the pure joy. What exhilariation! ( I wish this site had spell check :idea: )


I enrolled my daughter in Karate, to foster some discipline, conditioning and some fortitude. She was encountering a bully at school, and although not a pushover, she didn't have the skills to deal with it. I knew martial arts was the gentle persuasion to use to teach her some life skills, so, after about 3 years, I cleared my schedule and joined up too. It was to keep her interested and I've always been interested. A separation and impending divorce after 19 years gave me some extra energy, shall we say. I needed to find myself again, centre and focus. I knew martial arts could do that for me. I'll be forever eternally in it's gratitude. Domo Arigato Gozaimasu Karate-do!

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