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help for new instructor please

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Kids I've worked with like the "animal walk" drill.


Basically, most of the exercises involve moving back and forth imitating animals (and a lot of them are HARD)


Bunny hops, crap walk, etc. These are hard to explain with text :)

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Kids love music! We would put on the cardio track and have the kids follow along....not the cardio routine...that'd be too hard....stuff like


jumping, switch to jumping jacks, jump on one foot, switch, skis (this is when you swing your legs and arms front to back), criss cross, jump face the left, right etc....make it up as you go along cause the kids dont care....oh....and you cant talk....all you got is the music and the kids watching you....CLAP when you are ready to switch if you need a cue....sharpens their attention.


Relay races depending on the size of your dojo. Run 1/2 way down....10 pushups....run the rest of the way down...20 jumping jacks.....bear walk back.....again....make it up!


Suicide runs (note----find a new name! some parents and kids are sensitive!) --- we just called them running drills....what this is.... Run 1/3 way down, touch floor....run back....run 1/2 way down, touch floor, run back....run all the way down...touch floor....run back.


Kill your buddy drill (again...new name8) ):


your partner does pushups/situps while the other partner runs/duck walks/crab walks...to the end of the floor and back. The idea is the partner going the length of the floor will be encoraged to go fast cause while he is going his 'buddy' is doing pushups/situps until he gets back.


I'll think of more later....let me know if these need more explaining.



KarateForums.com Sempai
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Kids I've worked with like the "animal walk" drill.


Basically, most of the exercises involve moving back and forth imitating animals (and a lot of them are HARD)


Bunny hops, crap walk, etc. These are hard to explain with text :)


Crap walk? I'd love to see that one. :o

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Kids that young usually don't have to do much to get them ready. In fact forcing them to stretch my just run them off. The Animal Walks is a good idea. Outside of just touching their toes, shanking their arms out, and maybe some trunk twists I don't think Id but a lot into it.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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