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Hiya -- some sparring tips if you don't mind....

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Greetings all :)


I've been doing TKD for about a year now, and progressing nicely, and I really love it.


We spar once a week, open all technique sparring, and a new challenge has me coming to my friends here for some help :)


Up until now, I've been sparring other adults my age (I'm 38) and having no real problems popping them a few times, blocking most of what comes my way, and basically holding my own.


My instructor has now matched me up with my ultimate nightmare, an 18 year old black belt who is fast, strong, talented, and seems to have unlimited reserves of energy.


His technique is good, the main problem I'm having is that by the time I think of executing a move, he's not where he was a second ago. He's so fast compared to me I'm having trouble landing anything, and he's usually popping me good with kicks and punches, usually to my sides and my legs.


Any tips on how a slower, older person should deal with Mr. Lightning? By the way, he's only about 2 inches taller than I am, and about 20 pounds lighter, so our sizes are pretty compatible.


Thanks to all!

Drop by and say hi! - http://www.hbtaekwondo.com - http://www.kangselite.com
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Try staying in tight and close.Don't let him break away and start using his movement and foot work.


This my not suit your fighting style though so be carefull.Knees, elbows and short hook and uppercut type punches come into play at this distance so you'll need to be conditioned enough to be able to take a few.


Keep him under pressure and move forward whilst keeping as tight to him as you dare.That way you can't lose him when he turns his footwork on.


Of course another option I would strongly recommend is to improve your own footwork speed and movement.


If footwork speed and movement is one of you shortfalls then thats what you should concentrate on.

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Not being able to watch you spar, it's difficult to make an accurate recommendation, but I'll try! :lol:


First of all, don't let the fact that he's younger and a black belt psych you out. You have to learn to look at everybody the same, regardless of age or what belt he has around his waist. Same goes for on the street. Treat everybody as a potential better fighter than yourself, and you have to visualize how you would deal with that treat.


Since you're in TKD, what sort of techniques are you trying to land on your opponent? High, spinning, etc kicks are slower generally than lower kicks and hand techniques. They also leave you with poor balance and recovery. I'd recommend using low to mid-level kics to the body, no spinning at all..and lots more hands.


Also, don't be a stationary target for him. Keep moving. This doesn't mean bouncing around the floor, as it's a good way to wear yourself out, and a good fighter will see the timing of your bounces and use them against you. Rather, move around the floor..left...right..forward and back...and angles...like these ---> \ / ...makes sense? 45 degrees. It throws your opponents timing off and doesn't get you into a rhythm that he can follow.


The key to speed is two things IMHO.


1. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! And when you're done with that, practice some more!


2. Be relaxed. Tight muscles are slow muscles. Be relaxed and loose.


I hope this helps.

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My instructor has now matched me up with my ultimate nightmare, an 18 year old black belt who is fast, strong, talented, and seems to have unlimited reserves of energy. His technique is good, the main problem I'm having is that by the time I think of executing a move, he's not where he was a second ago. He's so fast compared to me I'm having trouble landing anything, and he's usually popping me good with kicks and punches, usually to my sides and my legs. Any tips on how a slower, older person should deal with Mr. Lightning?


Can't add much to what Shorinryu Sensei said, it is good advice. Look at this as a training opportunity, not as a competition. You're going to loose, but you are also going to learn. And try to act without conscious thought. That will be a little difficult for you at only a year, but the goal is to not have to plan your moves. As you've seen, by the time you think about what you are going to do, it is too late. The moves just have to come. It will be difficult to commit at first, but you'll get the hang of it.

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I appreciate all the input! I will work on the "moving about" technique, and see what I can come up with. As far as the spinning stuff, I stay away from it, its way too slow to be effective against him.


Keep the tips coming!

Drop by and say hi! - http://www.hbtaekwondo.com - http://www.kangselite.com
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  • 4 weeks later...

practice to get faster, then you too will be mr lightning! and remember this proverb: he who hesitates has lost.....


so therefore when you see an opening go for it, when you hesitate is when he moves.


Never stop attacking, work combos over and over and keep him on his feet and dont let him breathe. just keep attacking.

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His technique is good, the main problem I'm having is that by the time I think of executing a move, he's not where he was a second ago.

I think that's really your problem. Don't think about hitting him, I mean, then you'll be off in dream land for even a split second, and he'll have moved.


See him, hit him.


If you can, try to "predict" his movements. Lead him with your hits...


Besides, you're 38, right? You're not exactally ancient. If you want to find out, see how fast you drive.

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Move before you hit, don't hit before you move. Your movement towards him will cause him to move and you can track it for a strike.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

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There's always the Rule of Threes. Generally, if you do something twice, the third time people come to expect it. So, if you do a combo like front kick+punch, then a relatively short time later do the same combo again, the third time you throw that front kick, he'll expect a punch. That gives you two opportunities to know the opening that he's about to create for you when you follow up with something different, like front kick+roundhouse, etc...


Doesn't work with everyone, may not with an experienced sparrer, but hey...anything is worth trying once (except headbutting a brick wall).

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