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Would you be embrassed of you dojos name? Not that i am but a yellow belt was asking me if i was. I got mad and ask what would be so embrassing about my a dojo's name? He said it looks like we're soft and the reason he asked was because i got the name and logo on the back of my gi top. Because of that remark i punch him in the ribs hard enough to make him think twice about asking things like that (we were sparring). i mean i kno my dojo has a name that others don't have but to me i think it's just a dojo. My dojo's name is Smilin' Mikes Dojo of champions. if you order a gi top and he, by mistake, puts that name on it would you return it because of the name. i think it's stupid to waste his time to pick it up because of the name? i just wanted to share... give some opinions and don't think i'm ashmed of it...
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The problem my dojang has is the name is just LOOOOONG LOL. I told my instructor I just wish he picked a shorter name for the ones who answer the phones ..... me (and the lady that actually does the office work .... I feel sorry for her) LOL. She gets letters/bills in the mail, and most of them couldn't fit the whole name on the label (unless it was hand written).

Laurie F

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Well, my dojo is just named after the village in which it is (its full name is Swinton Shotokan Karate Club), but I don't think I'd ever be embarassed if we ever got a different name, because it's MY dojo and I love it and the people who train there.


I think if you're seriously embarassed by the name of your dojo then it's probably time to train somewhere else because you're not really going to feel part of the place.


Anyway, what's so bad about Smilin' Mikes??? It's quite 'catchy' I think!!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Well, my dojo is just named after the village in which it is (its full name is Swinton Shotokan Karate Club), but I don't think I'd ever be embarassed if we ever got a different name, because it's MY dojo and I love it and the people who train there.


I think if you're seriously embarassed by the name of your dojo then it's probably time to train somewhere else because you're not really going to feel part of the place.


Anyway, what's so bad about Smilin' Mikes??? It's quite 'catchy' I think!!


i was afraid of this..... i said a student was embrassed not me i love my dojo.

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Yeah, I know that you said you wern't embarassed, CrouchingTiger.


When I wrote 'you' I meant the word in the general sense, not aiming at you in particular. I meant that if 'someone' was embarassed by their dojo name maybe they shouldn't be at that dojo in the first place.


Sorry if you thought I was talking to you personally!



"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Crouching tiger,


I hope you don't mind me giving you my take on this.


Obviously you (in the general sense) shouldn't be embarrased by the name of your club.Theres alot more going on than a name.


I think rather than trying to rough this person up you should find the right moment and have a quick word with him and explain some of the important things in martial arts training and what he can get out of it if he appraoches it with the right attitude.


If you are a higher grade and have been there longer you should try and help this person.Not beat up on him.


If, after you've told him a name isn't important and that he should concentrate on training hard, he continues to laugh at the clubs expense then give him a good kick in......... NO !!...... only joking.


Just get on with your training and don't let things like that bother you.Its realy not important. :)

Never give in

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Maybe whoever takes over after your instructor retires would keep the name in honour of the previous instructor.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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