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The Elbow...A Special Place In Combos :)

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Just a tip I guess for anyone interested in knowing, but I find that the elbow is best to use in the process of a punching combo. This is ideal to me though, so it may not be so comfortable for others.


Anyways, I would find it effective during a real fight, to use the jab/elbow strike.


After the jab, proceed to move in with the same arm and hit with the elbow in a horizontal striking manner. So it's like, hit, then move in closer for a smack across the face, either supporting the fist with your other hand or alone. Sort of like a hook punch but with the elbow instead.


I just think it might be alot quicker as a follow up...especially if you want to get in close or knock the opponent out.



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Excellent point! The elbow is one of your most effectiveweapons, and extremely versatile. It is awesome to add flow to a combination, eliminating wasted movement and cutting your follow up strike time to less than half.


Your jab-inward elbow is a good example. Also effective is a jab-upward elbow, and the path as well as the final position of that strike doubles as a clearing block.


Elbow strikes are also good to convert and salvage a missed or blocked strike. Instead of rechambering from a failed strike, you can often simply colapse the elbow as you continue forward pressure and get an effective strike out of an apparent failure.


Elbows are also a good lead weapon for in close strikes, and set up strikes like a returning elbow or backfist, again using the return motion instead of wasting it on a rechamber.


Sometimes, if I feel ornery, I'll drop an elbow strike off something like a wall block- say against a roundhouse kick. Gives your opponent a charlie-horse, and something to think about before he tries to kick you again.


Good topic! Let's hear how the rest of you use elbows.

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