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The Essence Of Tae Kwon Do...The Essence Of Martial Arts...

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Being in Martial Arts for over 8 years now I have seen alot in my young life. First starting out at a Japanese school of Shotokan, I earned the nick name "Kevlar" for my ability to get beaten and still keep coming (maybe not a good attribute, but hey...what the heck). Later I joined a traditional TKD school which adopted the name "Ja Yeon Do" or "The Natural Way".


After many years of intense training and under the belt of my Master...something occurred. No matter how many broken bones I've seen, blood, or injuries that have been inflicted unto me, I will always feel this pain much more. One day, my Master left...he just left...without telling anyone and took all the money and ran.


I was close to quitting my love and passion after that...heartbroken. Later, I quelled all this anger and entered another tournament, one that I had thought would be my last. I suffered a terrible injury during the match in which my head was snapped back from a front kick to the jaw...later I felt the full blast of it all and was paralyzed from the hips down for 3 months straight...


After intense recovery I began walking on a cane...and now...after 6 months, even though doctors said I may never walk again...I went on and walked. There I also thought I was to quit forever...but I overcame it.


The passion I had and still have...the goals I set to give TKD a new and better name...still kept me going. The spiritual essence of the Martial Arts, TKD, and my own passion is what drove me foward.


So what does this story show? For me to gather sympothy...no. Rather, this is a story that proves to me that the Martial Arts...regardless of popular belief...is not just a technical manual to hurting others nor is it just a sport to gain fame. The culture, the spirituality, and the philosophies of the art expressed through our bodies is what it is truly made up of. This is all in opinion...but I feel it so strongly.


I suppose one of the main reasons I bring this arguement up is that another community of grapplers and other assortment of fighters from the "bullshid0.com" website gather that Martial Arts is simply a tool for hurting others and protecting ones self. While I agree that many of the applications are intended to hurt and protect...I was appalled by the fact that only those things were their primary focus...and in them (at least most of the people there) held, that there was no "art" in fighting...there was no philsophy, culture, or anything...it was simply a manual.


Maybe I cannot comprehend this sort of thinking after all of my experiences...but I do feel strongly in all of true Martial Artist out there...that our lives and others lives around us are better because of what we learn and how we apply them.


That is the way of the Martial Artist...that is the essence...and that is why we are here.



"One must train the mind before the body...for the mind controls the body..."

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I believe all humans need a beliefe in something. whether it be love, trust, religion, anything. It helps us remain focused and gives us a purpose. Some use other methods, including martial arts and many other such things. Its a way of focusing and driving yourself forward as a person - it sets goals and makes everything worthwhile.


I'm not saying without this "thing" to believe in that we are nothing. Everyone has everything and they have nothing. In your case, Kai, the beliefe and the focus that you've gained - the trust you have learnt with the martial arts and within yourself has pushed you to *Make* something happen, that most people cant. This being walking. Making use of your mind, and your determination, to pull down the barriers.


I believe what you are writing about is the escence of the self. martial arts have brought it out - but *you* are the one that has done this. This is the escence of you - life and spirit. It's good to hear that you have slowly been recovering, and maybe someday you can be close to how you were before - if not the same :)


By the way, ZR440 ... if you look at some of the Tai Chi it can be very stressful on the body - especially the advanced practices... only just realised that! :)

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Kai, I just happened to be looking at this subject and recalled what my tkd instructor had said the night before. What determines a Martial Artist is not how he kicks or punches but his attitude. The are mentally * and physically challenged people all over the world who are martial artists. I am one of them. It seems you may be one too, however, its your attitude that makes you a martial artists regardless of whether you walk with a cane or not.

Long Live the Fighters!

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OH I forgot to post also that my father took TKD under one of the highest ranked instructors in the US in the early 70's. He also took off in the middle of the night. The students showed up to class one day and the school was closed. None of them had been told.

Long Live the Fighters!

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Hey Kai, this sounds very much like an article to me, and a good one at that. Why don't you submit it as one? We're alwasy looking for articles to add to our database, and yours would be a great addition to have. :)

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Martial arts without philosophy is simply fighting and thuggery. I've noticed the same people post messages that indicate all they really want to do is fight and demonstrate technical superiority. What they don't realize is that this is no different than giving someone a gun without instilling in them a code of conduct. They know how to operate a gun but pose a risk to others because they don't know self control. The Samurai and the Hwa Rang understood that without a code of honor, all we are are thugs.

My opinion-Welcome to it.

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