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How many katas do you know?


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Ok, now it´s time to share how many katas you know.


Write down your style and the katas.


I´ll begin...


Style: shukokai


Katas I know: Pinan Shodan, Pinan Nindan, Pinan Sandan, Seisan.

Shukokai Karate, Orange belt ( 7. kyu)
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Style= shotokan


Katas= Kihon; Heians Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Godan and Yondan; Tekki Shodan; Bassai Dai; Jion; Enpi; Sochin; Nijushiho; Kanku Sho; Kanku Dai; Gojushiho Sho. I'm just learning Hangetsu and Gojushiho Dai too.


Edit: forgot to mention Bassai Sho in the list of katas I know! We also started learning Jiin last night too, although I couldn't perform it for you properly at the moment if my life depended on it... :lol:

Edited by aefibird

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Seisan, Seiunchin, Nahanchi, Wansu, Chinto, Sanchin, Kusanku, Sunsu


Style= Matsubayashi ShorninRyu


Fuyagata Ichi, Fuyagta Ni, Pinan I-V, Nahanchi I-III, Ananku, Wankan, Rohai, Wanshu, Passai


Style = Kobiyashi ShorinRyu




Style = GojuRyu







KarateForums.com Sempai
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Style: Tang Soo Do


Forms i know:


Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu


Ki Cho Hyung E Bu


Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu


Sae Kye Hyung Il Bu


Sae Kye Hyung E Bu


Sae Kye Hyung Sam Bu


Pyung Ahn Cho Dan


Pyung Ahn E Dan


Pyung Ahn Sam Dan


Pyung Ahn Sah Dan


Pyung Ahn Oh Dan


Bassai (Dai)


Sip Soo


Naihanchi Cho Dan


Naihanchi E Dan


Naihanchi Sam Dan


Jin Do




Kong Sang Koon


Sei Shan




Weapons forms:


Bong Hyung Il Bu (Staff)


Bong Hyung E Bu (Staff)


Bong Hyung Sam Bu (Staff)


Dan Gum Hyung (Knife)


Kicho Jang Gum Hyung (Basic Sword Form)


Jang Gum Hyung (Advanced Sword Form)


Jipangi Hyung (Cane Form)

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Motobu ha Shito ryu


Taikyoku 1-6






Pinan 1-5


Naihanchi 1-3






Bassai dai


Tomari Bassai








Tomari Chinto












Kosokun Dai




Miyagi Sanchin


Higaonna Sanchin


Sanchin dai


Gopei Sho










Tenryu no kun


Tokamine no kun


Shushi no kun


Ryu bi no kun


Sunakaki no kun


Sakagawa no kun


Jushi no tonfa


Hama higa no tonfa


Kokuba no tonfa


Tsuriken haku no sai


Chantenyara no sai


Ryu to no sai


Hama higa no kama


Taira sho


I think that is it . these are the ones I run on a regualr bassis

Karate is not a sport , it is a way of life .

Sandan Motobu ha Shi-to ryu karate

Katsu ryu kempo

Ryukyu kobudo

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Tae Kwon Do =


Taegeuk 1 thru 6 and half of 7 (One more of those to go)


Tang Soo Do =


Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu (I do this one for TKD, also)


Ki Cho Hyung E Bu


Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu


Pyung Ahn Cho Dan


Pyung Ahn E Dan


Pyung Ahn Sam Dan


Did start learning Bong Hyung Il Bu in TSD before I moved, but don't remember how to do it.

Edited by karatekid1975

Laurie F

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Style: Shudokan Karate-do


katas: Kihon Shodan


Pinan Nidan


Kiso Kata


Shimpa Tan(da bomb)


Style: Katana


katas: Goshin kamai no kata


Hapo Geri


(im kinda new)

Gold belt in Shudokan karate-do

yellow belt in Okinawan Kobudo

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Palgwes 1-8


Taeguks 1-8


Choomoo 1, 2, 3, 4




Keum Gang


Luan Bu Chuen


Pao Chuen


Koon Shu 1 (staff)


Koon Shu 2 (staff)


Kama 1


Taikyoku shodan


Heian 1-5


Tekki 1-3


Bassai Dai


Bassai Sho

"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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