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Calling on my isshinRyu karate-kas! Help


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Hello all my fellow IsshinRyu practicioners, I have a slight dilema and I'm sure some of you can help me. I've practiced I-Ryu for over 3 years --- and was right before black belt when I had to move...couldn't find another I-Ryu school and switched to ShorinRyu....anyway --- I don't want to forget what I've learned so I practice my IsshinRyu every one in a while. But ShorinRyu has its own version of Yakosu Kumite so I had no one to practice our version with --- nor do we do Bo-Bo kumite (fortunately my instructor wants to learn it so I'll have someone to practice with!) -- and I never had a strong enough foundation on Sunsu to remember it...so if ya'll could help me out....this is what I remember


Yakosu Kumite


1. Defense in open stance; Offense left foot foward (LFF) fighting stance


Offense step thru RFF punch, LFF punch, RFF uppercut. Defense Left foot back (LFB) side block, shuffle back forarm block, shuffle back head block, punch. RIGHT?


2. Defense fighting stance RFF, Offense LFF --- backleg front kick, backleg front kick, uppercut?


3. Defense RFF, Offense RFF --- frontleg sidekick, front roundhouse, uppercut. Defense shuffleback downblock, shuffleback x-block, headblock, punch


4. Def. RFF, Off. LFF - backleg roundhouse, sidekick. Def -- x-block, leanaway, backleg roundhouse


5. Def. RFF, Off. RFF -- Sidekick, spinback kick. This is the one I am most confused on.....Defense....stepback downblock, hook blocks the back kick (what foot forward, what stance) --- then reverse punch (deep front stance here?)




Bo-Bo Kumite


I'm good on all of these except 10. I think offense does a lunch strike --- in a crane or deep front stance? Then defense which is LFF transitions into a horse stance RFF...blocks, strikes (what types)






I just need someone with patience to type the moves out. You don't have to be too specific as I have learned it before and I'm hoping it'll be enough to jog my memory.


I remember it starts with the corkscrew punches (like Sanchin but fast) --- then a couple more moves....LF transitions to horse stance, open block, then crane stance.....blah! I can't remember this one :(


Thanks for any help you can provide!



KarateForums.com Sempai
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I'm not much help since I don't do Isshinryu, but I did find this http://www.isja.com/iwka/newvideo.htm It has Sunsu in mpeg format (It is zipped. you'll need a program like winzip to unzip it). It's not the best quality, but it might be of some use.


Hope this helps :)


P.S. I'll move this to the Karate forum. You may get more help there :)

Laurie F

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This is an example of one of the reasons a training book is so very helpful. If you keep a training book it is so useful to develope your own system of describing your katas and techniques for your own records. That helps you in refreshing your memory later whether you need to review something from lack of practicing or moving.
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Thanks Laurie I'll check out that link!



This is an example of one of the reasons a training book is so very helpful. If you keep a training book it is so useful to develope your own system of describing your katas and techniques for your own records. That helps you in refreshing your memory later whether you need to review something from lack of practicing or moving.


Hindsight is 20/20 huh :nod:


There's not even a good I-Ryu book that I know of. Master Angi Uezu only published vol 1 of the complete isshinRyu encyclopedia :(

KarateForums.com Sempai
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Been there many a times :) I used to frequent that site after learning a new I-Ryu kata. OK....that'll help me with Sunsu -- and that was the hard one.


All I need now is


Yakosu Kumite #5 defense


(I think it is right foot forward, block side kick, hook block spin back kick....then the FINISHING PUNCH is all I am blanking on)


Bo-Bo Kumite #10 defense and offense


(I know offense strikes - lunge? And defense transitions to horse stance and blocks and counters) - need specifics

KarateForums.com Sempai
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Isshin ryu does not really have a yakusoku kumite set.


Are you doing Angi Uezi's lineage? If so I could look it up for you.


bo - bo #10




1 - attacks with a thrust


2 - block with the back end and thrust back with the back end.

Andrew Green

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