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examples of karate groundfighting?


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Finish off an opponent? Well...


Striking your fist to his face.


Striking your hand to his throat.


Striking your elbow to his face - or throat.


Kicking your knee to his face.


Kicking your knee to his groin.


Using a jointlock.


Choking the begeezus out of him.


Anything else that works.


It really isn't that complicated. And yes, it still is karate.

Jussi Häkkinen

Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate-Do (Kyan Chotoku lineage)



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anyone here have an example of one of those karate groundfighting techniques that can finish off an opponent? also are there any articles or clips on the topic?


Karate has grappling but I would say it doesn't contain ground fighting. All the grappling is done from standing. The Okinawans did folk wrestling...

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Try doing Tekki 1 while laying on your back you will find it quite interesting.


There are many move which can be applied on the ground as well as on your feet. :brow: :brow: :brow:

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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My instructors told me when you get your opponent on the ground from certain stances then a kick to the groin lifts up the head (when they are on their back) and then you stamp them on their face.


you can repeat this as for as long as you want ;)


It depends though, as if you have a nice wrist grab on and spin them heavily to the floor and preferably into an object such as a wall/car.


They may not be too keen on carrying on :)

700 hours of official training. Injury finished me dammit!

1st Kyu Wado Ryu

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I have a video on my pc that demonstrates bunkai which includes some throws and ground fighting.


Most of the throws are ones that make the person land on there back or head so its hard for them to break fall.


Also the ground fighting is very basic, e.g pinning the arms etc.


In general most karate techniques are more effective standing up. But dont limit there applications because with some imagination they can work great on the ground of from any position.

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You forgot about biting. :o


That reminds me of a true story my sensei once told me about his first ever karate kumite competition. He was a white belt at the time and was paired against a 4th kyu. My sensei's sensei had told him to really 'go for it' and not be frightened, just because he was a white belt and in his first fight. Well, my sensei did 'go for it' - to such an extent he ended up biting his opponent!!


When he first told me I thought he was joking, but I've since come to know someone who trained with my sensei and he's verified the story.


'The Bite' certainly won't be found in "The Beginners Guide to Karate", but it's a pretty good technique, nevertheless!!


Almost as good as 'the stomp on the foot', 'the eye-poke' and 'the kick to the knee' in terms of suprise and effectiveness!!


Not recommended for competitions, though... :lol:

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