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Isshinryu Breaking


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okay, granted ive only been there steadily training for three months, maybe three and a half, but i have not once seen anyone doing breaking in my dojo. we practice Isshinryu, and before a tournament my sensai made the statment "The only thing they arnt going to have there is breaking" and thats when i said "Oh yea, i just relized that, we don't do breaking." and then he said "Yes we do."


I don't know if this is my sensai, just Isshinryu sensais, or Karate sensai's in general, but he has a tendancy to keep you in the dark. Probably with good reason, but heres some event examples:


"So when do you think the next testing date will be?"


"Oh about there third thursday of next week."


"Sensai, when in Isshinryu do you start learning weapons."


"when i think i should teach you."


"Is there a specific rank?"




so of course, i didnt even try and ask if theres a certain training level were breaking begins or anything like that. Im not sure if my instructor keeps me in the dark because these are not things he wants me worrying about, or if he just wants to see how good i am about finding information myself. I chosse the latter. Iv'e learne dthrough intellegence gathering the basic requirments and gaps between test and i learned basiclly when i can expect to start my weapons traing along side my empty hand kata. So im hopeing some of the Isshinryu karateka in here could enlighten me on how the way of the one heart approches breaking.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Or it could be that he doesn't know, and he's BSing you. Or it could be that some instructors get some sort of morbid pleasure by keeping you in the dark. I guess it's some sort of small power trip. By not answering your question, essentially he's saying that you'll do it when he wants you do it, or you'll know when he wants you to know and not a day sooner. Your progress is entirely in his hands.
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lol, SMR your a morbid freak, but i like that. No, i think thats kinda screwed up dude, but i feel you just the same. Its irritating but i have reasons to trust sensai and rank isnt important enough to me for me to care, im getting solid training.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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