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My Rank Rebellion


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Right now,i wear an obi that i custom made, it really means nothing rank wise except to me personally. But i refuse to advance in rank. I do this because i prefer the classic method. Basically, ill wear eithe r awhite obi, or my custom symbolic grey obi until my fellow karate-ka's in the master category of many styles (maybe even some chinese/korean artist) say i'm worthy of a Shodan. No test, no registration, simply i know my stuff or i don't and i have to prove it to a lot of criticts of high power who know there stuff. You might say "Well if you have friends in the martial arts how hard it could be?" i made myself another limiting rule: the people that i count towards my Shodan awarded to myself, can not know about this, they have to say im worthy of Black Belt on there own free will with out knwing about it. Then if they say that ill tell them what im up to and the last one ill ask to award me the belt if they really feel that way. So technically, it could take two years and it could take twenty two years, it just depends, but ill make sure i know my stuff. So praise or reject me! i dont plan on moving on this one, though i am open to suggestions, id like to know what you all think.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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What, do you want an award or something? :lol:


Sorry, but isn't this your second thread on this? I just get a feeling you want some kind of recognition. :dodgy:


I don't really believe in rank or belts. So, what is your point exactly?


Edit: What I'm getting at is, hasn't this thought already been "pioneered?"

“Iron is full of impurities that weaken it; through forging, it becomes steel and is transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion.” ~Morihei Ueshiba
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Wanting to be awarded a black belt is not exactly a rank rebellion. I have been a 1st dan for ten years, I would be a 3rd dan now if I stuck to the association I was with, but I didn't. Now needless to say I am one of the better 1st dans in my chosen association and none of my peers ever believe that I am "just" shodan. However I am no different from them, I get no special treatment from my seniors. If I want a grade I will have to take the grade.


Your expectations of others are high. I think that your rebellion will end in dissapointment.

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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ouch! i should have been here to keep my guard up. Will yea, i think i may have mentioned this in another topic but i didn't really explain it, that topics focus was on the fact that i wasnt sure i wanted to train specifically in one style anymore. I don't care about regonition but i just wanted to know what the general opinion would be on this from other Karate ka's, im still going to do it but i like to know what im up against. Your right, its not really a rebellion, because if there rest of the Karate learning world wants to keep moving up through the kyu's than thats fine, i personally refuse to do it because i don't think Karate was meant to have that kind of structure. the kyu to dan system, in my opinion, is the reason why we have so many hackmead black belts from pathetic dojo's running around trying to start something. It's also, as i mentioned earlier in that other post, the reason im a little upset right now with my styles politicts, the Isshinryu community was way to intrested in having a corprate orginization and this strict rank sructure (the strictist i have ever seen). When i read about that in books, i prefer to call it Shimabuku's fall, because before that he didn't everything great but then he upsessed over this "Okinawain-American Karate association" crap, it ruined the whole thing.


I know i will not be belived, but i couldn't care less about being regonized, just tell me you understand why i'm doing it, and i apologize for sounding redundant in an earlier topic.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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U seem pretty determined to do what you have in your mind, "that journey in the way of the warrior", so DO IT! Don't expect us to support you or to say "that's not right" or anything.


U asking this things, makin this kind of threads only shows two things: U're not sure about doing this, or wanting some recognitionl.


So, If you wanna do it, go and do it, and tell us what you learnt, if you learn anything off course.


In my opinion, as far as I know about your MA background, you were a 9th kyu in isshinryu right? So how can you rebel about ranks, if you haven't even got one????? I believe that If a Shodan want to rebel, that's okay, cause he at least spent his time enough to get his shodan, and he had the time to think about grades, and wut that meant to him, but if you never even got to the half way of grades like a green belt, or a purple belt, wut are your complaints about it? ya know? why are you complainin about something u don't know how it's like?


And I say that you want tradition, I doubt that you have the time, and the guts to practice like traditional senseis did, and even they had a regular master.


So, anyway, good luck...

If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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If you truly understood the "spirit of training," then you would most certainly understand the true "spirit of testing..."


'nough said.


- Killer Miller -

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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fireka why not just go to another dojo?


there are the uptight and rude in all walks of life.


I know in Japan there was only white black and Dan grades but I liked going from white, red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple and white, brown, etc


it's nothing to dislike imo

700 hours of official training. Injury finished me dammit!

1st Kyu Wado Ryu

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*sigh* i made it up to green belt in shotokan so really the lack of experince with the ranking system plee has no relevence. Im sorry i made the post but seriously you guys are being a little rude, dont you think? i mean i brought the subject up yea, but i wasnt rude to anyone else and i certainly wasn't asking for your sharp replies so could you kinda back off a little? i feel kinda boxed in.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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