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Improvised Weapons


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More bar stuff. :idea:


1. Plastic drinking straws. Grab a handfull in your fist and jab the ends at your opponents eyes.


2. Use the tables and chairs to your advantage as obstacles to keep your opponent at bay or off balance.


3. The bottom of a glass (the thick base) makes a pretty good striking edge to the back of a hand, mouth, forehead, etc. Be careful though, as you'll be holding the weakest part and don't want it to break in your hand and cut yourself.


4. In the mens restroom there are usually condom machines. Get one and quickly place it over your opponents head (they really do stretch a lot) and cut off his air. (OK, just kidding on this one, but it popped into my weird brain!) :roll:


5. Handfull of napkins tossed into your opponents face as a distraction, followed up immediatly with a good, solid punch or kick as he ducks.


6. If they use those cheap, tin ashtrays..they make a fine cutting edge if you use them correctly. Fold one edge halfway over to hold in your hand.


7. Ice at the bottom of your glass---pull the back of your oppionents pants out and dump it in his shorts. (OK---it's early and I haven't had enough coffee yet) :brow:


That's all that pops into my strange, little brain right now, but I'm sure if I was sitting in a bar aI could come up with twice as many ideas.


Personally, I carry a wooden kobutan on my keychain. I've used it once mildly to get a drunk biker to leave me alone, but it's just like anything else, if you don't know how to use it, leave it at home.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Uhhhh..pardon me for interjecting this, but I think the point of this thread isn't to "throw them" here or there. At any location, tossing them on the ground or into something is always an option. I think what the author wants here is what OBJECTS might be available in these locations, and how would you use them to defend yourself.


Is this correct?


OK, alley. I just took a walk down mine in fact.


1. Garbage can lid can be used as a shield, especially the metal ones.


2. Use garbage cans, dumpsters, telephone poles, cars..whatever, as obsticles to keep your opponent at bay.


3. If you fall on the ground, are there bricks, rocks, sand/dirt handly?


4. Boards, sticks, conduit, pipes, car parts (everybody around here as an extra car in the back yard..usually in pieces! lol An English friend of mine called them "car gardens". :lol:


5. Wood fence that you can pull a lat off of and use.


6. Neighbors pitbull/doberman. Sic 'em!!


7. Do you see anything in the garbage can/dumpster you can use?


8. A pen/pencil works GREAT as a close quarters weapon anywhere. Not necessarily the sharp end either (can we say lawyers and puncture wounds?), as the blunt end works great to the ribs, under the jaw, base of the throat and any nerve center...and doesn't penetrate/break the skin! But then againj..life or death...stick the bugger! In the case of a pencil..stick them, then break it off.


:-? And what the heck are you doing walking down an alley anyway? Awareness is the FIRST thing you need to use as a weapons for self defense!

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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