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I think the best way to get my questions answered is to be 100% honest, and if im ridiculed than i know ill deserve it.


Lets not lie to ourselves, this art is just cool. Who when they were a kid didn't want to be a ninja? and don't lie, i bet half of you that signed up for the classes started because you played Tenchu one to many times. I won't say im not one of you.


But i really love martial arts, espicially the weapon arts, i like the feeling when i finnaly start to figure it out and it clicks and the weapon really does start to feel like an extension. So yea, i'd like to learn the stealth, the swordsmanship, the cunning and resorcefulness. And hey, i want to use a grappling hook.


I also understand though that Ninjitsu is a way of life to a furhter extreme than Karate-do is. I already study the Bushido, but i really want to know more about Ninjitsu. If my heart isnt in the right place to take it now (i couldnt RIGHT now anyway, no school is available) maybe after i hear from some practioners, it will be.



"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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I tbh and not to be embarrased or anything iwnated to be a ninja when iwas yougn cos of the cartoons and etc. And they look cool i even run aroudn for a jog in my ninja uniform al lblack just l ike the real ninjas. exept dont kil :karate: but as for ninjutsu karate would beat it if you had a expert karate person agaisnt another injustsu expert one reason i like karate is even if you get strong hands by using weapons its bad to get i nthe happen of useign weapons cos ure never gonna use em in a street fight
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I once was invited to view a Ninjitsu class and what I saw was very interesting. Most of the techniques that I saw being performed looked very similar to jujitsu. Lots of foot grabing, twisting, locks, falls, and throws. They also performed 4 Sanchin forms/exercises. As a class they stood in a circle and repetitively practiced these movements. It was very interesting, and I have never seen anything like that since. This guy claimed to have learned out of California and I forget the further specifics he gave. I have no doubt that there are legitimate Ninjitsu practitioners out there, I was lucky enough to see a group. However for every legit guy I've met there are at least 5 who weren't. Good luck!

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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maybe they do have their own post section.


you just can't find it...

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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lol, of course! it susing stealth to lurk in the shadows.


Okay this thing is here (duffos) because the descrtion says JAPANESE martial arts, and it isnt a grappling art, and last time i heard there wenrt a whole lot of Ninja's in korea since its not even a korean word. :P


Now help me out here, how much of this stuff, with the exception of the actual technique, might i already know? i am excellent with survival so in the field have i somewhat taught myself or are there things they know i couldnt have learned from other orginizations?

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Well first off you'll need a blowdart pipe, some poisoned rice, a couple of caltrops, and am a past master or family member to avenge :P


But seriously, is there much need for ninjas now days? are we going to be sending ninjas in to fight the war on terrorism? Perhaps take out Osama and Saddam in one fell swoop (maybe not such a bad idea afterall!!),


or do we just want an excuse to lead a 'double life' so we can dress in black and roll play...


okay so I've always thought ninjas were hella-cool too, but I'm thinking now days it's all movies.

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"and last time i heard there wenrt a whole lot of Ninja's in korea "


AHA! clearly someone dosen't know their korean history. korea did indeed have a ninja equivilant called the sulsa. granted, it dosen't sound quite as cool as ninja, but it took place around the silla era and they were more or less the same thing. as is my understanding of course.


that said, from a lot of what i've read, ninjas aren't all they're made out to be. and it makes sense. it may just be due to the affects all of the pollution has made on the air, but quite frankly, a full black suit does not blend in with anything especially well, even at night. a lot of sources i've read state that a more likely kill was someone would dress up in the clothing of the enemy, sneak into an enemy territory that way, and make the kill, and attempt the escape that way. they were not necessarly even as skilled as they're made out to be, on the contrary, supposedly they weren't even very good sword fighters, and in the off chance they'd defeat a samurai, they would steal their sword and leave theirs behind. i could be getting my facts mixed, and i'm not even sure i buy it all myself, but that could just be because i don't want to; as you said, ninjas are super cool :P :D 8) but it seems more logical. could be wrong, though.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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oh, and i hope you're not just in it for tenchu-style grappling hook abilities, because they're virtually non-existant. not only can you stick the bloody thing on to virtually any surface, but you just kind of zip up along with. dosen't happen, sorry :P however, in tenchu 2, you can throw it at enemies above you and pull them down to your level, which is handy if you can't see their timing and you wanna quickly jump out of the way for a stealth kill. haven't actually tried it in 3, now that i think of it...

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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