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That really is nigh on impossible to answer!!


Find yourself a very good instructor is the best advice that anybody can offer :D


For speed: the main thing is to relax and practice speed drills. To learn to move fast you must train fast.


For power: Technique, technique, erm did I say technique? This is why you need good instruction. Obviously if you are of a strong build you will have stronger technique. As you progress and your technique is coming along you should try to develop the power in your tanden (lower stomach area).


I hope your instructor is upto the job :wink:

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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First, you need to do the technique right, speed and accuracy comes later. To improve, you need a heavy bag, patience, and alot of hard work.

Canh T.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversations.

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Practice Practice Practice!!!


For kicks --- make sure you are not standing flat-footed....keep your heels off the ground and put a bounce in your step


For hands (and kicks too) --- RELAX! Everything comes off so much quicker when you are relaxed.


I used to do drills a while ago, and I think I am going to pick them up again....3x a week on a heavy bag:


20 side kicks


20 round house


20 hooks


10 side / round combos


10 double round combos (low/high)


10 hook round combos


10 spin hook kicks


*That is just one side, so actually double the number*


You can also get some of those leg weights to build strength...when using those though the point is to kick low and slow --- not show off your high kicks otherwise you'll end up pulling a muscle or something!


Here's a hand drill - ( now I've never used this I'm just making this up -- but its based off what we do in class)


20 backfists


20 ridge hands (front and back)


20 reverse punches


15 backfist / reverse punch


15 double ridge hands (front then back)


15 spinning backfists


15 double reverse punches (under / over)


Good luck!



KarateForums.com Sempai
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practise, practise and practise.


relax. do NOT tense up it slows you.


power comes from the hips, technique, speed and placement


snap those punches and kicks quick and back quick.


as for hard blocks. Not my style. Evasive moves and glancing blocks were what I learnt.


One of my instructors said 'block a hard kick and risk breaking your arm'.


Put me off I can tell you :)

700 hours of official training. Injury finished me dammit!

1st Kyu Wado Ryu

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You can also get some of those leg weights to build strength...when using those though the point is to kick low and slow --- not show off your high kicks otherwise you'll end up pulling a muscle or something!


I bought some leg weights a while ago and wear them every second day at work... at first they were pretty tough (2.5 kg extra on each leg) but now I'm pretty used to them as they've helped build extra muscle.. my kicks have definatley improved since!!

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y'know, i heard that it is better to kick with foot firmly on the ground.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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Best way to build power is kick or hit a heavy bag.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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When you can break a tree like Van Damm then record the clip and post it on the internet to impress us :)

700 hours of official training. Injury finished me dammit!

1st Kyu Wado Ryu

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