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Shotokan Karate vs. Hapkido : Street use/School yard rumble

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Which style do you think prepares a person for a real life fight. From multiple attackers to people jumping out and attacking you. Which would provide a good history and morals system without sacrificing the use of it in a real encounter. This thread wasn't made so that users of one style could have a chance to put down the other style, it is just a friendly debate of the pros and cons of each style. :karate:

"Defeat is not defeat unless it is accepted as reality in your own mind"

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Well I haven't done a lot of MA but I can tell you now. Practicly any MA would be capable of stoping attackers. Say you got in a school yard rumble. Most people in my school don't know how to fight, I know this from expirience. Most of them don't even know the proper way to punch. If you took either of those MAs to one of those kids you would be able to stop them with ease. In terms of self defense, unless you fighitng someone else with martial art expirience I think any style would do.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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Both Styles can be effective if they are used properly.


But, if your shotokan school do ONLY sport karate, then its more likely it won't work on the streets the way it should.


With Shotokan you'll Use more Strong Punches and Kicks, with Hapkido is more Locking and throwing, Plus punch and kicks.


It also depend on your own skills as a fighter.. one style will suit better than the other for you and your natural skills/talents.

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I was wondering which style had more powerful moves that would be easily implemented incase of a sudden emergency and need for them. :kaioken: Bassically which one would be more efficent and devestating to the attacker. :evil: Like which one would offer moves that could incapacitate a person with ease in case there were others coming for you. :x Do you kinda know what I mean? :uhoh: I'm wondering which can be used in a hostile environment that can include multiple attackers. :argue: Thanx for the help.... :karate:

"Defeat is not defeat unless it is accepted as reality in your own mind"

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Dude are you planning on robing a bank or something? Lol just kidding but seoirulsy they probably would both do well. If you wanna learn to take on multiple attackers though you might wanna think about ninjitsu.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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In a hostile environment that include multiple attackers???!!!


What did you get into that problem in the first place!!!


The best self defense is avoid dangerous situation.


and if you get into THAT kind of problem you mention. Nothing better Than GUN-do, and if you don't have one or just don't like carry weapons, Well, the Oldest and More natural technique you have is the old Ancient effective Art of RUN-do.



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in Romania there's a saying: running is shameful, but healthy. Gues it appear in other cultures too :)


And RUN do, the way of the rapid uncatched ninja :D would be always an option. Instead of putting your life in danger, just walk away. A dead hero is no better hero (especially when the whole thing could have been avoided :))

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