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Retsu Gekusai Ichi and Ni


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Hello, another new member here. I read somewhere that gekisai dai ichi & ni are not unique to Goju, I'm not sure what other styles incorporate them though. I don't have any specific sites but have seen them outlined on the web, just searching for "goju & kata" brings up quite a bit of relevant stuff. I do have one book that has detailed outlines with pics, titled Goju-ryu Karate-Do by Motoo Yamakura (volume 1 has those 2, sanchin and maybe a couple more...my copy's aaaaaall the way out in the garage so I'm not sure :smile:).
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I think they are Goju based, but i don't do Goju anymore. This new style i do has SOME kata in it and i have to learn a modified version of the gekusai kata... It's a pain in the a$$!!


Thanks for your help anyway peoples.


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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geki sai dia ich and ni are goju kata however shorin ryu do a version of geki sai dai ich but they call it fukigata ni . they were created in hopes of uniting the okinawan styles and give them all a basic kata that are alike . i am not sure about the firs name mintioned. Hopes this helps .



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Gekusai Dai and Gekusai Sho: are derived from the words Sai, meaning fortress or stronghold, and geki, meaning breakdown. Gekusai can also mean "empty air." The


kata teach strength through fluidity of motion, mobility and the utilization of various techniques. Flexibility of attack and response will always be superior to rigid and inflexible strength.




If these are the kata you are looking for Angus there are several versions running around. Ronryu is correct in that shorin ryu does a similar set of katas under a different name. They all were developed around the same time. And many of the originators were students under the same masters. And may have still been in contact with each other.


KyoKushin Kai also lists these katas. And there is a relation to the TaikyoKyu katas as well. All came into being at about the same time.


Here is one kata I found. Is this what you are looking for?


Gekisai Di Ichi (A C. Miyagi kata)


Gekisai means attack and smash.


Both Gekisais were created by Chojun Miyagi in 1940.


Stepping out w/R foot turning 90 degrees to L into a L upper head block;


Move Straight into R side Zenkutsu and execute mid-punch;


Move R leg back into a horse stance and execute lower block;


Stepping up on R side turning 90 degrees to a R upper block;


Move straight into L side Zenkutsu and execute L mid-punch;


Move L leg back into a horse stance and execute lower block;


Turn and look straight ahead, move L leg into L sanchin and execute a slow L mid-block w/breathing (exhale);


Moving straight ahead into R sanchin and execute a slow R mid-block w/breathing (exhale);


In ONE fluid motion, execute reverse L front kick, stepping into L Zenkutsu executing a L mid-Elbow strike, L back-hand, bringing in the L elbow into body, Left circular block and fist strike, reverse R punch, stepping up w/the R foot execute R front sweep while turning 180 degrees into R sanchin simultaneously executing a R shuto into small step-up w/Ki;


Move into L sanchin and execute L mid-block w/breathing (exhale);


Then execute # 9 in reverse;


Drop L leg into 45 degree Zenkutsu, pull back both fists into chambers and execute a combo R low-punch - L mid-punch;


Step up into yame position w/R fist into chambers and L fist on top of R fist;


Drop R leg into 45 degree Zenkutsu and repeat #12 in reverse;


Move R leg up to L and Yame.




KarateForums Sempai


Shotokan Karate Shodan, Bojitsu Shodan, Sai 5th kyu


[ This Message was edited by: SaiFightsMS on 2002-01-25 18:21 ]

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Yeah it think that's pretty much it Sai... I've got the modfied versions of the taikyoku katas down, apparently i'm good at them...


One kid told me my kata was 'awesome' and i laughed at him... I just do the techniques like i'm really trying to use them, not just mucking around - and i suppose that makes my katas look good... BUT I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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