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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Isshinryu Karate
  • Location
    Rocky Point NC
  • Interests
    Martial Arts and music
  • Occupation

Isshinryufanatic's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Have you looked for local kobudo classes?? I'm sure you already know but kobudo is a stye of martial arts that is all okinawan weapons. You learn kata and application to many of okinawan weapons that include the eku (oar), kama, sai, bo, jo, and many others. You can order an oar online. http://www.martialartssupermarket.com/index.cfm?action=showProd&subid=842 This is where I am getting mine.
  2. Yesterday I began, and passed, my examination for purple belt. Feels good to have tied on that new obi! The 5 months as green belt felt like enternity. The test was rather fun though (People call me stupid for enjoying testing). I was suprised by the fact that one of my instructor's instructor's Ni-dans (who I keep in regular contact with) was my head grader. She drove (I believe) 6-7 hours to come to the testing. Ran through the basics, kicks, all 5 kata, and 2 weapons katas then a tough bit of kumite the black belt testing began. A junior black belt test and a black belt test were being conducted that day. They both passed and joined the family of black belts at the dojo. Great, but long day and after the test the Burger King was well appreciated. (tested on an empty stomach). After class some of the karate group went to Cracker Barrel to get social enjoy the times. All around a good day but needless to say, I am sore and tired.
  3. My instructor informed us that a good kiai comes from the diaphram. If you kiai from the neck you will know. If it is an issue of concentrating on the movements before the kiai then it will come with practice of said kata. Once the kata is set in to muscle memory then you can focus on the kiai involved.
  4. I got a '94 Nissan XE Hardbody Pickup. Its a 5-speed four-banger but its great on gas and driving stick is fun so I love the truck.
  5. The additional weapons that are added come from traditional Okinawan Kobudo taught to my sensei from a separate instuctor from his Isshinryu instuctor.
  6. Here is a good one. Human Space Invaders
  7. Trust me sensei, I am. I posted the results on the Testing and Promotion board.
  8. I don't think we are going there but we are going to try to make he AOKA National Championships in NC since its alittle closer to home.
  9. Well this past belt test I was sparring my sensei. I have to roll up my pant legs because I havnt had them altered. Well after throwing acouple kicks at my sensei they began to roll down. Sure enough my sensei stepped on them and down they went. I had a death grip on the waist of them until he moved his foot tho so they didn't get to low. Also when I first started karate I was about 160 pounds and wear a size 4 gi and belt. Well now im 140 and still where a size 4 but now every time I do a jumping kick I get a nice greating from my obi.
  10. Our lineage is quite confusing and I don't quite have it all down so i'll let my sensei take this one.
  11. Hey, Holland is my instuctor and I didn't know he was on these boards till today... weird. But yeah, I practice Isshinryu and have been for 9 1/2 to 10 months and havn't regreted a single minute.
  12. Man, that was pretty brutal. I passed with flying colors but not without taking my licks. After the basic and kicks I did Seisan, Seiuchin, Nahachi, and Wansu katas back to back then I did Kyan no sai and Tokumeni no kun back to back. Then I had to spar for about 30 minutes with a sho-dan, a ni-dan, and my sensei (san-dan) then an Ik-kyu. During seiuchin I got beat up un to make sure I was tense during the kata. All in all it was fun and have some cool bruises to brag about.
  13. I test for my green belt tomorrow. Nervous and excited at the same time. My sensei says that green belt is where a new journey in training begins. You have reached the half way point rank wise you will now begin teaching even more and must be comfertable with it. I consider green belt an incredible step and I cant wait!!!!
  14. I totally agree, Isshinryu does have great hand work but one black belt at our dojo was a boxer and it was such a great compliment to Isshinryu I want to start training in boxing too. He has the most devistating punch combos in the dojo.
  15. I am a 6th kyu in Isshinryu Karate but want to cross train in boxing or Muay Tai to improve my striking and hand work. At what level in my root training (Isshinryu) do you think I should begin the cross training??
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