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Jarad's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Ya, I think that it is fake, but there is that teeny tiny chance that it is real. I doubt that its real, but you never know right?
  2. wow, thats interesting >.< lol It would probably take me a decade or something XD
  3. Now, I was searching through youtube looking for videos of the drunken fists style, (I don't know the chines name for any martial art forms) and I came upon this person who supposedly uses chi or energy to knock people out. I am not quite sure if its a fake technique or not, but it was interesting to see his students being affected by his, "Death Touch" So, what do you guys think about this? Do you think its fake and that his students are just acting? Or do you believe that this is an actual technique? (Sorry if I asked in the wrong board, I am new to martial arts and don't know where certain things go sorry. ) {EDIT} Here is the link to the video I found.
  4. *bows* Thank you ^_^ now. To figure out what to start with >.< lol
  5. ^_^ OK, thanks for the incourgement. ^_^ Wow, I can't spell for squat -.-
  6. O I am sure that I will learn eventaully. Though being big and lumberious. (Or whatever word is similar to that) I wonder if I can. I am sure I can, if I practice.
  7. Hi, my name is ---- but you can call me Jarad because well, thats what many other people on other sites know me as. ^_^ If you must know I am rather knew to martial arts and such, but my interest in it is slowly increasing. So, ya... Not sure what else to say, but hi everyone
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