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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shorei Ryu
  • Location
  • Interests
    Family, karate, camping, hiking, geocaching, guns, knives, flashlights and too much else to mention
  • Occupation
    Factory Worker

Stormstaff's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I don't have much of a selection locally, so I was wondering if anyone has advice or an online store suggestion for heavy bags. Thanks in advance for your help!!
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome!!
  3. New to the site and new to the sport. Been studying for only 10 months now and loving it. Just wanted to say "Hi!"
  4. Man, that would ROCK!!
  5. Thanks for the link and further explanation!!
  6. I joined at 36, about 10 months into it and loving it. What I need to do is get off my old butt and start working out more and eating better. My stamina sucks.
  7. Do you have a link or a pic of this "spring" you're speaking of? Yes, I'm that much of a n00b, hehe. Difference between a "normal" heavy bag and the ones that have water in them? Once again, thank you for your time, answers, suggestions and help with this. My in-laws are poking at me about what I want for Christmas. Figured I'd throw these couple of things at them,
  8. I'm interested in hanging a heavy bag in my basement to work on. I've never really looked much into them but I was curious what I need to look at. Brands? Different types? Also, I don't want to use my sparring gloves but some form of "bag glove" I guess I should call it. Suggestions? Sorry to sound so new, but I am fairly new to the sport. Thanks in advance for your help and advice. Links appreciated. /bow
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