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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Jay i dont think the jups are the same, i know the unsu jump as i know the kata, i hav never leanred Kanku sho but i think it is only a 180 not a 360 jump i think kankusho is more a a jump and twist whereas unsu is more of a spin?
  2. Underlink

    cant wait

    let us know how you got on
  3. Great instructional vid, need more like that.
  4. Welcome guys I am a wado ryu karateka and am a 3rd Dan, i have been traning for 17 years there about
  5. In my aikido class we stop for water breaks however my karate dojo do not. I always tend to break up my lessons in the middle to give the oppertuinity to get water
  6. I do Kata in the lounge, however i live in england so my rooms are all very small. i get by just have to move the sofa. i do close the doors and fridge with a backkick when i am making a drink haha
  7. I like your point tori, assumable japanese karate at some point was only known in japan by japnese people, this was then taught to english people, who mpost likly would have been taught it using the japanese. at what point did some englishman decide that they were going to dismiss the native language of the art and not teach the was his/hers sensei taught. by the sound of it most karate dojos use terminology and a few dont id say the mojaority do it how it was meant to be done and some didnt like it so didnt do it. does not sound right to me
  8. not on the same scale but when i was yonger i had to leave karate for 2 years when i started uni, i went back and never looked back i am now a fully qualified instructor and i teach karate i train aikido and teach self defence.if you think your too old to go back think of it this way the longer you wait the older you will get, age is in your mind your as young as you feel
  9. how do you like to train? i realise this is a karate forum but as there i no section for aikido it sorta falls in the same ball park. i am a 2nd dan in karate but i also train aikido. my old aikido class was very light and sympathetic and i learned the moves well enough but found myself unsure of how well i would be able to implement them in a real world situation. i joined a new aikido class when i started uni and have been training for a few years now its yoshikan aikido or (the hard style) and it is very hard the workouts and excersise kill me, the moves are always done with full force so much so that when i first started i came home with bruises on my arms and pains everywhere however because of this method of training i find my body is less suseptable to injury and i am more conditioned for being hit and thrown to the floor. i absolutely love this style of training and refuse to train any other way as i now know that i could implement these techniques in the street and they would work as i have tested it in almost full force in training. how do you like to train? (appolagies for spelling i am dyslexic)
  10. i think rohie is a good kata to sum up my style its all about timing and breathing.
  11. thats great i will get o that. i have a problem now though see i live in birmingham and i am at uni in stafford and i only coem home on the weekends and i train myself on a saturday. and i only coem hoem every OTHER weekend so i cant open in birmingham as i cant offer many lessons and i cant open in staffs as im only here for another 2 years and its unfair to close down a class after 2 years. as the students wont get to finish there training.
  12. thank you thats was great advise exactly what i was looking for im going to start proceedings in the next few months. ill keep you posted on how its going
  13. hey i do wado-ryu and i have a dan grade could one of you give me a brief outline on how id go about opening a class for example do i need a teachning licence do i have to pay anythink ect ect...?
  14. yes i have to say i have never used this move before or been taught it however not all moves are (or infact anymoves) designed to hit a brick and a punch bag represents the sternam and this move looks like as said is move is more of a through strike or grab
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