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  • Martial Art(s)
    Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, judo, tkd

ninja4life14's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. but will the kung fu be like another form of my bujinkan( locks trapping and low kicks) it may be effective but im not looking for another art like bujinkan, i want one for my fitness, jujitsu and bujinkan aren't a good work out. I considered caporiea(or however you spell it) but kung fu seems more effective.
  2. Im a 9th kyu in Bujinkan, a white belt in jujitsu, and a red belt in tkd, i want to have a grappling art(jujitsu), an all around effecive art(bujinkan), and a striking art(cause bujinkan doesn't have that much emphasis on striking) , should i stick with tkd, or switch to shaolin?
  3. ty, but forms are just for tradition, tkd isn't good for self defense, but im on a contract to get my black belt, so i have to pass, cause the contract was expensive, but thx anyway, If i try it a different way, ill do it a different way on accident , u dont know how many times ive flipped someone in sparring out of habit...
  4. yeah, but one problem, if we dont do the form the way they make us, we dont pass our testing, im testing for my black belt in about 2 weeks, but thx for the advice, my bujinkan is my only real self defense, all my other styles ive taken are useless: judo:who is walking around wearing a Gi?,Taekwondo: dont ever try a high kick on a bujinkan instructor, yeesh!, shaolin:acrobatics are too flashy and not effective, hung gar: a watered down version of bujinkan in my opinion, i know they come from 2 dif places, but bujinkan is like hung gar with more weapons and more fine points.(advice: If your fighting a boxer, dont try to knock him out with a punch or kick above the belt, their used to getting hit, either a kick to the knees or groin, or throw and lock him, boxers aren't used to being locked )
  5. excellent point, but what form of kung fu did you take, i took hung gar, and we used our fists, it was really similar to bujinkan, oh and i tried blocking with my elbows, it only blocks, it doesn't redirect, but the fists do, ive shattered wrsits with an uke fist block before, and below the belt i use my shins to block, i toughen up my legs for tkd, by shin kicking a tree, it hurts like hell, but its deadened the nerves pretty well. (we dont have shin kicks in tkd, but deadening the nerves sure hepls with full contact sparring.
  6. yes, but i do not use gloves, in a real fight the horizontal fist works better, in tkd we guard our face with the opposing hand, but i find it more effective to go through my techniques with my hand above my rib cage. Also, its more effective to block with the fist, like every kung fu and ninjutsu practitioner knows...
  7. i personally think putting ur hand on ur hip leaves u more open to attack on that side of the body. When we punch in ninjutsu we keep our hand right above our rib cage,so we can block an oncoming attack. Also, we dont turn our punches, its more effective to use a vertical facing fist. hope this helps.
  8. I would use Jujitsu, Shaolin , and Bujinkan. I'd call it Bujolinjitsu, and it would be the best martial art ever, Jujitsu for grappling, shaolin for striking, weapons,and acrobatics, and bujinkan for weapons, effective throws and arm locks, and the cool tabi boots(lol). The Bujolinjitsu students will where a black jujitsu Gi, tabi boots, a ninja hood and mask, and a kung fu sash.
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