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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Moto Bu Ryu, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do
  • Location
  • Interests
    Aviation and Martial Arts
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knma91's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Ken Nagayama Martial Arts City of Burbank and Granada Hills, California Master Nagayama, Chief Instructor Ms. Moulton
  2. There is really no winning with season in SoCal. Hot summer make it tough on you and winter is hard to get warmed up.
  3. First I have heard of it too, sounds interesting.
  4. Warner Bros is planning to remake this film. What are your thoughts about it. The link is below. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070816/ap_en_mo/people_bruce_lee
  5. Well for adult males it is optional, mandatory for kids and females
  6. I have been kicked with it on and without it and I have found to be a be better without. MONTANA your right who goes out from their house wearing a cup everyday.
  7. When I first started it was to help defend myself, now I do it for a stress reliever, anger management, be fit and to get my black belt.
  8. Double jumping split back kick
  9. I am not sure but When my parents had to back in the day the total came out to like several thousand dollars from white to black. Train as long as you need. What the studio calls it was the black program.
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