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  • Martial Art(s)

dholmes's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. http://www.homeofthepit.com/ this is my school,Im going to train there ,I loved it,they wouldnt let me kick but we boxed for a long time,It seems like it's classic boxing mixed with elbowstrikes kicks and Knee's,I need alot of work at the boxing,I did good ,but I didnt let them no how hard it was after 3 5 min rounds of boxing to hold my arms up and box,I wanted to kick so bad,and wanted go to a tkd stance,they wanted me to stay in one stance, 100% different then tkd,I just missed chuck lidell he was there 10 min before I came,Im debating if I should take BBJ and hawian kempo, 1:30 min a day 6 days a week for $150 is this a good deal they teach them both at the school,tell me what u guys think of the school,and if u guys think 150 is a good deal for both if i take one it's 90 3 days a week @1:30 MIN
  2. 2 night 745,Im going to kempo sparring hopefully I dont get my but kicked,Ill post at 9 to tell u guys how it went
  3. Well everone calls it kickboxing,looks like kickboxing,but its actually hawian kenpo,I got in a heated argument with some friends,they want me to do kickboxing saying I will have a advantage because of my taekwondo,And I should try to go pro since Im only 21,I thought I would try BBJ,but they say I would be way better at kickboxing and would have a clear chance to get in the sport,cause Im good at all the highkicks I see in K1 fights what do u guy's think,I say im too old,Ive been doing tkd since I was 18,and body building since 16,
  4. . Good choice french fri25 Wado is a very broad ranging style. On the one hand we practice pair work such as this, which has its origins in the Koryu arts: And then there are the more competitive Kumite aspects of the style such as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRwPXhYyPfE We do that at my school,U have to perform those for belt advancements
  5. Im Blackbelt in tkd,Im going to try out a kickboxing school,what should I expect from there,class,sparring,traning,kicks ,punches,drills conditioning I want to be prepared,for sparring,and the kicks
  6. Well I love dirtbike racing I had a honda 95 XR250 and a 89 cr 500 but there sold to many injuries,I mostly love drag racing I run mid 12's in the 1/4 in my firebird I love muscle cars,I like dirttrack racing too there's are track 5 mins from my house SantaMaria speedway,http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa249/dholmes85/?mediafilter=all heres my 2 ride's tell me what u think,well just sold the white honda in ran high 13's with a turbo H22
  7. 2 1/2 years and lots of tournments
  8. these were the rules of the last major tournment I went too in LA,im from a WTF school, 1) no puching to the face,punching is aloud to the body but u get no pionts, 2)kicking to the face is aloud,but only to the side and back of the head,u can get away with a axe kick to the front of the face,3)no front kicks to the chin are aloud,Kicks to the face are worth 2 pts,Knockdowns from any kick are worth 4 pts,body kicks only to the sides and stomach are worth 1pt,no pionts for kicks to the back,No kicks lower then the waist,2pts for being kicked out of the ring theres 3 rounds of 2min each u fight for the whole 2 mins,theres no stopping when u get a piont like ATA schools, oh u can push but only with closed fists,TKO automatic win
  9. its funny,Cause I have been punching her lately when close and nobody no's what to do,everone keeps alot of distance when sparring at our school,Ill rush with kicks and punches and they freeze up
  10. My instructer was taught in Korea,he is korean,born and raised there
  11. Its sad,but at my school they dont teach punching,And im trying to break that habit about keeping my hands down but we were taught that also,To block from roundhouse kicks to the side and waste,Im leaving soon anyways Im feed up with the master hes been teaching for 30 years and is getting lazy Know,I teach the class alot and that sucks for me cause I dont learn anything, just stickin around for my blackbelt,Im going to take Hawian kenpo(chuck liddels style)and jiujitzu I live by chucks dojo
  12. Its sad,but ay my school they teach no puching at all,Im pretty much the only one that punches,I keep my hands down to block from round house kicks,cause no one puches,to the face at all,even so we allow it sometimes,Im leaving soon to do jiujitzu
  13. I said I would post some fights,this is on my blackbelt test, Im fighting a 2nd degreeblackbelt,it was full contact face shots and everthing ,I did have bad form I will admit and was pushing I was very tired ,it was the 4th hour off my blackbelt test,it was a 5 hour test,and I already had to sparr for about 1 hour before that fight Im the red belt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Siw8TQmqqqs&mode=related&search= this is me light messing around sparring with a 25 yearbrownbelt,that is very expirenced in kungfu and Caporio, Im the red belt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piRxFjflZm8 tell me what u guys think Ill post tournment vids later but I got to find my camera there not on u tube
  14. Im a blackbelt in TKD,thinking about starting Karate,what would I learn and what are the differnces in the styles, all the kicks look pretty much the same to me,I want to practice more hand striking and joint locks ,at my school it mostly all kicking,and some puching,but mostly all kicking
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