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Ground Shark

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Ground Shark's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Depends how good my friend was,i might throw him and then laugh as if i was joking. Which therefore makes it look to him like i was juss playin but it also gives u the satisfaction of givin ur friend some air time.
  2. Dude, we always do chokes, its not allowed in stupid sport sambo rules, but we train full submission fighting, with all locks allowed. It would suck not to be alowed to choke we juss not allowed to use small joint locks, but we can use pressure points. Lol, i would prolly lose alot more if we couldn't choke, i manage the guillotine and side choke often, but i'm also pretty decent at leg locks. We train pretty much like BJJ, 'cept we dun rely too much on our gi's, and we prolly work takedowns/throws a lil, more...believe me a good sambo throw onto cement and its over, its bad enough on mats,lol. Also, Sambo's known for its leg locks, i like leg locks, lol. My coach is 3 time Russian champ. ANyone else here do Sambo or faced any Sambo guys in competition?
  3. Guillotine choke...i'm small and in me early teens(15), and i tapped an adult muscle head judo guy 3 times in a row wit it.
  4. Sport, art, oh well who cares. Boxing's a sport, but look at lewis or tyson or de la hoya, they'd do amazing in a street fight. WHo's gonna match their hand work? TKD is done as a sport, so what? Dun mean that wit the right trainign, someone couldn't wipe the floor wit someone in a real fight. Thai boxing is a sport, any MA can be dun as a sport. Sticky hands tourney's(wing chun) push hands touneys(tai chi), sport jui jitsu, bjj tourney, everything...juss coz sometin has offical sport recognition dun make it any less of an art. Think or Vale Tudo, on of the them could prolly take most un-cross trained figthers, vale tudo is a sport so what? Juss coz u throw a ball in say baseball, its a sport, dat dun mean u can't throw a ball in a non-sport setting. Dun be ridiculous, its merely the lack of hand work that makes tkd weak(arguable)
  5. When u say sleeper hold i assume ur talking about a vascular choke, which is a choke in which u cut off blood flow to ur opponents brain and he passes out. There are many dude, btu i again, assume ur talking about the rear interlock choke where you: -put one arm around ur opponents neck -grab ur upper bicep or lower shoulder wit that hand -use other hand to press head forward -flex ur biceps and try and bring ur arms in tight hope i helped
  6. I see most of see talkin bout BJJ, which is a great art, (only place in my area dat offers it i'm afraid is VERY likely a mcdojo) But does anyone here do Sambo? If so when you train do u actually go by the olympic rules? My gym goes for mostly open grappling rules, anytin goes from windpipe chokes to heel hooks, although it seems alot of tounrey's dun allow them, y is dat?
  7. Thx guys and congrats monkey girl on ur black belt. We dun use belts in our gym except to tie up our gi's. I like it better this way, think it makes the training more open instead of fixed on a certain syllabus, but i'm not sayin dat dun werk, this is juss the way i liek to best, i've done other arts and i dun really like the whole belt thing, its soooo last century,lol. With allt he McDojo's they've kinda lost their meaning. I hate seeing weak martial artists, but i'd say generally if they are weak it prolly the coach's(sensei, master etc) fault. The worst thing a MA teacher can be is soft on his/her students. lol, last night after like 1/2 of continous sparring my coach made us all do 20 takedowns without rest. I was dead, but i still sparred me pal a few times after anyhoo, he's bigger than me and has around as much exp in grappling as me, but i tapped him bout 3 times in under 5 min. lol, me happy:) i like winning, but then again i'm sure everyone does, it would be kinda odd not to i guess.
  8. XpOiSoN FrEeX I disagree that BJJ is the best for groundfighting. I do Sambo(more specifically "Ultimate" Sambo, which is very much like bjj only we werk a lil more on takedowns and lower body subs) SO i very much diasagree that bjj is better than Sambo, at least Ultimate Sambo. The way i see it, Sambo corrects bjj's problem of not enough takedown work and otherwise seems the same. Plus we dun have a grading system or anytin so that makes for a pretty open way of training rather than havign a fixed syllabus. Here's the website for me Sambo gym if ya wanna check it out https://www.elitekombat.net
  9. Hey guys, love da site. There's so many diverse stylists here. I do Russian Sambo. I love it so much, prolly coz i'm like a natural grappler. I can strike to, mostly EFS striking. In my gym, we always have 1/2 hour of submission grappling sparring followed by half an our of open mat time. Its really great. We dun go byt he stupid olympic rules thou, anytin goes, it dun end when a perfect throw it done. We can do all locks and chokes, i haven't started competing yet but i hope to soon, still, i'm only 15 and in the adult class so i get plenty of good realistic practice with ppl bigger and more pwoerful(not to mention more skilled) than me.
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