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Tweedy's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. From what I've heard, this discipline is a derivative of kickboxing, with ohter elements thrown in depending on your instructor. It's one of the martial arts taught in my area, an I'm seriously considering taking it up; I just need a little background information. Does it teach practical fighting techniques, does it provide good exercise and does it involve any Katas or other demonstrations?
  2. Hello, I'm new to this board. The reason I've come here is because I intend to take up martial art agan. I'm interested in ones that teach practical and applicable fighting techniques, and from what I've researched and with the disiciplines that are actively being taught in my area, I hear that Mauy Thai and Lau-Gar are the best, but that Mauy Thai is the superior. My only worry is that I've read a lot of comments saying that because of the intense conditioning, Mauy Thai can induce brittle bones when you get old Can anyone with considerable experience of Mauy Thai tell me if this is true or not, because if that's the case, I'll go with Lau-Gar, since I intend to make every effort to keep my mental and physical faculties intact for as long as possible.
  3. Well I live in Derby, and the nearest Wing Chun class is in Nottingham unfortunately. Is this true about MuyThai having debilitating effects when you get older? If that's the case, I'll go with Lau-Gar (Which is the only other discipline taught in my area which supposedly has any applicable fighting techiniques)
  4. Yeah, I know I'm asking a lot of question, but I want to do a lot of background research so I can develop an informed opinion before I decide to commit to a particular martial art, as I intend to seriously dedicate myself to one. Anyway, here is this address with what this guy is purporting he can teach you: https://www.street-selfdefense.com Does anyone know about this guy and can they verify what he says is true or not?
  5. Perhaps I got it mixed up with one of the other martial art disciplines I've been researching. My bad
  6. Well okay, I'm not as well informed as you. I just had it understood that Bruce Lee first practiced Wing Chun, and when he decided to invent his own school of fighting, Wing Chun provided the foundaton for it. Bruce Lee just evolved it from there and, as you said, assimilated the best elements of other disciplines into his fighting style.
  7. Lau Gar or Maui Thai (sp?) Apparently those are the two best martial arts available to me in my area, from what I've ascertained from other people with the know-how. I'm mainly interested in one that teaches practical and applicable fighting techniques, particularly ground-fighting as I'm well informed that about 70% of fight end up on the ground. Also one that improves fitness in the process is also desirable (Yes, I know they all do, but I imagine some do more than others ) Also, does anyone know of a comprehensive site or forum on the internet that can help you locate all the martial arts classes for all the different martial art disciplines that are active in your local area? Cheers
  8. So far, I've got Mau Thai (sp?), Lau-gar, Akido, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do (which I know is a derivation of WC), Jubutsu, shootfighting and submission fighting. Can anyone add anymore if they know of some, and explain what fighting techniques these incorporate, as I'm wanting to take up martial arts again but I'm researching all the different types before I make my choice. Cheers
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