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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kyokushin, kickboxing
  • Location
    MN, USA
  • Interests
    Knockdown Fighting. K-1, boxing
  • Occupation

Knockdown's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. he changed them so they would not be too similar to Shotokan.
  2. The only armor worn in Kyokushin, World Oyama karate and similar Knockdown styels is your Dogi/ There is no gloves, headgear, or bogu gear for tournament fighting, or actual matches in a dojo. Light gloves and shin pads may be worn for dojo sparring.
  3. Kata Not enough emphasis on Self Defense in some dojo Some dojo do not put enough training on defense to strikes to the face. A few people would argue that too much time is spent on Kihon, while more could be spent on Grappling and fighter training. Compared to some systems though, it is a pretty good deal. Of course a little cross training will make up for perceived deficiets in the system. Alot will depend on individual instructors as well.
  4. I have never heard of semi-knockdown. Anyone care to explain what is? Usually this means wearing cloth shin pads and hand pads. same rules as regular knockdown. Semi, then referrs to the fact that it is not bareknuckle. But it is still full power.
  5. Have you gottten your applicationsin yet?
  6. application forms availble at http://www.virginiakarate.com/2005_US_CAPITAL_Sabaki_Challenge_Application.pdf it is a PDF
  7. That is the right organization and style. the tournaemnt in question is a regional and not the "Big One" out in denver. But it will have some of the same fighters, and of course same rules http://virginiakarate.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7 good stuff!~
  8. I have tips on my website. feel free to surf. make sure you can evade leg kicks or at least bock and take 'em. also work on your sweeps and counters. good luck.
  9. I believe to be competitive in the UFC Pride FC etc, extensive cross training would be needed.
  10. get one inch pine, it is technically 3/4 inch though. get a board 12 feet long and 12 inches wide. have it sawed into 12 pieces. breaking should only be done when your sensei teaches you how to do so. mucking around with board breaking when you dont know what you are doing is just asking for injuries.
  11. P.S. I noticed by your profile you are in VA. You might want to check out the style of Enshin before you move. There is a great dojo near you in Falls Church. here is a link: http://virginiakarate.com/ good luck
  12. yes. Sensei Steve Ward teaches in Tigard OR and also trains in all the other arts you mention. Enshin would be quite good for Self Defense.
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