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Black Belt

Black Belt (10/10)



  1. Chas Clemets and Steve Gartin put out some decent knife work (if occasionally a very strange video).
  2. Don't even want to think about the "whole collection". Weapons I carry and/or play with regularly. two .40 pistols (Glock 23 and 27) a trio of tactical folders (a Kershaw, classic Spyderco, and a $5 knife I picked up in a pawn shop) I'm hoping to track down a good fixed blade for carry
  3. "kung fu" isn't an art. It's a term used in China to refer to any skill, and in the US to refer to any Chinese martial art.
  4. At any sort of range, more than slight jogs (hoping that a bullet already fired will miss because of a bad lead) don't make sener... they stimply don't have enough effect on his need to adjust. I would sooner go for "pure range" than over-worry about how much lateral change I was making. I have to disagree. Even starting at 10 ft, and even using on old 10-round mag, it will take me at least 5 seconds to empty the weapon (assuming I want to hit anything past the first shot). With almost a 2-meter stride, and the ability to take 2-3 steps per second, I'm 20+meters (60+ feet) away by the time he needs to drop and replace the clip (eating another 2 seconds minimally realistically, giving me another 12 feet). I'm not about to recross the 82' from me to him.
  5. If it helps clarify, I think in all three pictures, the unarmed person has let too much range remain. They should be much closer to their opponent.
  6. I've had an adreneline dump because someone was pissy in my general direction. I've managed not to get an adreneline OD from situations where my life was in immenant danger. It's a reaction to your perception. I'm not saying "X works for Y", I'm merely pointing out that the adrenal levels are determend by mental (if normally automatic) stimuli which respond to perception of events. If you don't know you are in danger, you don't get the rush. If you think you are in danger but are not, you do get it. When something becomes lack (lacking a btter word) "scary", you get less of a dump. Most adreneline junkies have to increase their activites because they loose their fear of what they do... of course, this varies. Some people get stage fright and others do not. I'm in less danger in an unarmed confontation than I am in a car wreck. I'm in less danger looking out from a high balcony than I am in a fight. Guess which dumps the most adreneline and which the least for me? If dying is on your mind, you really need to refocus. One rule of knife fighting is that if you worry about getting cut, you will be cut. I suggest that anger is a good tool for overcoming fear. Adreneline is great. It ups your reflexes, increases your strength and endurance, increases your pain tolerance, opens up your airways and constricts blood flow. You'll notice my original advice was on what to do with it, not how to avoid it. Attacked by a dog, in a car wreck, in a narrow miss on a motor-cycle, on a bucking horse, skydiving, encountering a shark, falling off something higher than a house, there are many other life-or-death situations than a fight. Further, ones which do not actually pose threat can have the same effect. Being next to a large carnivore, a well done scary movie, waking up in the middle of the night convinced someone is in the next room, etc. I still recomment stomping your feet.
  7. If I stress a newbie at the range, they start missing at about 15 feet.... or they hit really accurately. Sometimes the stress makes them not second-guess. Of course, getting hit doesn't neccessairily drop you... so a single hit may not mean that you chose incorrectly. You will be gaining ground quickly.
  8. Florida does not differentiate one deadly weapon from another in this regard (except that firearms carry their own added penalties). If you carry it concealed, you'd better have a CCW permet. If you carry it openly, you may be "brandishing". If you pull it, you definately are. You must eaxaust all reasonable avenues of escape, unless exempted by castel docterine. You may only employ a weapon to prevent a forcible fealony. As to what laws you are up for. Brandishing, Aggrivated Assault, Aggrivated Battery, Attempted Murder, Murder 2, Murder 1, and (occasionally) Manslaughter. I'm sure there are a slew of smaller laws available to use against you as well.
  9. In Florida, the rules are clear. You must have exausted all reasonable avenues of escape, unless you are within your own home or place of work (castle doctorine). You may use deadly force to prevent a forcible felony, or when there is reasonable fear of immenant death of deadly harm.
  10. That's rather like calling your heart rate "invoulentary"; adrenal release is something which can be controlled both through controlling the stimuli that your brain and body use to trigger the release and, likely, through direct control (given enough bio-feedback training). Not entirely true. If you continue exertion after the "chemical dump" is over, you may exaust the shakes before you feel them... but yes, it is a very common response to suh high stress levels.
  11. I get the best results from practicing slowly. Correct, relaxed, repeated movement does more for my speed than most anything. Though, as pointed out, there are several differnt things you are talking about. Reaction time: the amount of time between perception and the initiation of action, which you wish to lower (BTW< you may also want to lower your time-to-perception). Agility: The rate at which you can change speed and direction. Speed: How fast you can traverse from point A to point B.
  12. Tends to kill my aim, and doesn't do wonders for my balance or power either. Yep.
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