Hi there everyone Thought id drop by and introduce myself, my name is Anthony Petit-jean, Ive been practising Kung fu for 10 years. i'm a graduate, having studied Electronic Systems and infomation Engineering part-timne for 5 years at Sheffield Hallam. i'm married with 6 kids and have spent the last 10 years working in computers. mostly software application development, but also graphic design I've trained gung fu, both pak lai hung style, and chow gar mantis. Ispired by pokemon and yu-gi-oh, my wife and i decided to try to apply the same idea to martial arts - move away from the fantasy, and make a trading card game basd on something real... we came up with KAcards. any one interested can find our website in a google search... and if any of you keen martial artists would like to be in one of the expansion sets, get in touch. any comments/views on it all, most welcome ! so hi to all!!