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  • Martial Art(s)
    Muay thai, Kung-fu, Capoeira

ninja_09's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. haha that sounds pretty sweet though i wouldnt mind playing a round of chess then goin at it till someone wins
  2. well put. ive seen guys go through brick wals but those same guys hurt themselves from an everyday 2x4 its mind over matter
  3. hahah i constantly size up ANYONE who walks by me
  4. well conditioning goes with it but i think its more of a mental element...just that you need to go through with your actualy kick. any hesitation can cause serious injury to yourself which is why you would just go balls out with it
  5. well the roundhouse kick can be powerful if utilized correctly, its not always about speed and stregth. But its more of like a tai chi thing as to how much power is behind it. Bruce lee is a perfect example. he knew how to utilize spower as appose to strength
  6. Now no matter how good anyone is...there is always someone who is faster, stronger, smarter, more skilled. Who do you guys think is the best? Personally one of my favorites is Jackie Chan. But i think he is closely followed by tony jaa
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