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wiz cool c

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Personal Information

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  • Interests
    the vedas, martail arts, writing
  • Occupation
    trainer group fitness instructor

wiz cool c's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. it is bujinkan,i received my black belt back in 1996.but i have studied many systems before and after, so i don't consider myself a pure bujinkan guy.in the first video,i explain my martial art background http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjH248B8LKk&feature=c4-overview&list=UUGC4xThGxe-kEx1JXUs9TcA
  2. myself teaching a female student ninjutsu for women's self defense. this video's topic[grappling and ground fighting] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eej7rS4OL8o&feature=c4-overview&list=UUGC4xThGxe-kEx1JXUs9TcA
  3. From that position you could mount him. Kick your leg over his stomach and strattled him placed your forarm on his face pry the lock open and you are in a superior position you could do alot from there.
  4. The arm is allready somewhat extended from being raped around your head. All you have to do is place your hand on his wrist when you kick your leg over his head. When you roll him onto his back your now holding his wrist with bothyour hands. The same as any other supine arm bar. This is a common gracie escape. I used this on my brother sparring on the beach he got the take down and the head lock i did this exscape got him in the arm bar and head him there helpess for a minet then let go. My brother is 220 I am 165 and he is a good wrestler. He actually knocked out Mark Gasteno with a back suplex in a real fight in longbeach longisland NY.
  5. Get on side, brace with arms against his face, shot hips away from him, kick leg over his head, roll him into armbar.
  6. Do you guys spar in class like judos randori?
  7. I dont know if they sell a copy of this but at the wong fei hung tournement this past october there was a chi sau division. It was really cool they went a couple minets in a taped off ring, then on a small wooden platform. If anybody has the tape it would be yees hung Gar on henrys in china town.
  8. theres the wong fei hung tournement sat september 28th in nj. It will have a chi sau division.
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