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Everything posted by RedBelt

  1. You need to figure out what you love about the martial arts the most...I've seen people from our dojo accepted into the FBI, others work teaching as supplemental income, you can teach martial arts classes and self-defense classes at local colleges, etc
  2. When you start at our dojo, we give everyone the lightweight white gi's. They usually last people about a year or so, and then they start to look really thin. I bought a white middle-weight gi before off karatedpot.com and I did not like it. Luckily I am in the black belt club so I get to wear a nice black gi.
  3. Hello, just joined and I already made a non-creative user name by using my belt color....I wish I would have thought of something more original....haha...oh, well, glad to be here, so hello to everyone!
  4. I don't know how well this really works, but it has been very effective for me: I simply establish the beginning of any sparring match by going in and charging the person, usually with a punch to the head (nothing hard, just enough contact to score) This usually works for me and then the rest of the match is won by a few kicks and a few combos, but I usually charge a couple more times. If nothing else, the person backs out of bounds. I don't know why this works, if someone rushes me, I sidekick them or move out of the way and counter. But, it has worked since I fought anybody from orange all the way up to black belt.
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