Interesting subject, I didnt read all the replys, but here is mine.... The student, if he/she is dedicated enough will come to learn the truth on his/her own terms. "True Art" doesn't make the martial artist.....If they dont have the knowledge of "Traditional art" then they will seek out someone that does. The great Ed Parker said it best when approached with the subject of "True" art....."When True knuckle meets true flesh, thats as true as it gets." Parker also said something that all us Kenpo people know well....and it applies to ALL martial artists...."The person who knows how will always be the student, but the person that knows how and why will retain his/her position as the instructor." True a bad instructor can be a bad influence on the martial arts community, but these kind of people can be avoided by exploring your options. All this "I am a MASTER", "I trained in Japan", and stuff like that does not impress me.....what impresses me is can u survive a street confrontation if the need arises? Can you teach me your Knowledge? Thats what will impress your students....not your credetials. I train with 2 no-nonsense instructors: Tito Ortiz(Grappling & Reality Fighting) Huntington Beach CA Dave Brock(Kenpo Karate) Huntington Beach CA. These guys will teach you to survive a street nonsense. Isnt this the ultimate purpose of our training in karate? Just a thought Hasta!! Ryan P. Cashio Co-Captain Team Havok National Karate Team