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Norris197's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. I took my black belt grading today. It started at 12 and finished around 5:30. It was absolute hell but I definately gained something from the experience. The first two-two and a half hours we spent going up and down the hall doing different techniques. We literally did about 500 mae-geri, san bon zukis, as the sensei kept making us start again. After a short break we moved on to kata where we had to do every kata and get it right (up to their standard) 3 times out of 5 attempts. Then we did kumite for the last hour where we had to fight four people continuosly. Overall, I think I did pretty well and am hoping that i've passed. Will have to wait about a month to find out though .
  2. When I spar I keep my back leg pretty bent ready for me to slide in quickly and attack when I see an opening.
  3. I daren't argue with my sensei, he's huge. Also he has a tendancy to try nd kick us in the "nether regions" without checking whether or not with have our box in. Luckily, I usually remember to wear mine and even more luckily I remember not to argue with him.
  4. When I was younger I thought I wasn't supposed to hit the girls while doing kumite and so one time I was fighting some girl and I just stood there while she proceeded to punch me in the mouth. After about 3 or 4 punches I started to bleed. So now I have a crazy vendetta against all women. J/k
  5. I haven't got mine yet. Not for a few weeks hopefully. But I know that our black belts have our name in japanese going down the belt. They look real nice. Can't wait to have mine.
  6. The main reason I chose Shotokan Karate is because its the most popular martial art where I leave and so there were plenty of clubs I could think about joining. Also, my firends recommended my joining as they were already members. Now I love it.
  7. I always train barefoot however, sometimes I get bad blisters on the bottom of my feet which is extremely painful to train with. But now I started putting Surgical Spirit on my feet everyday to hopefully toughen the skin up a bit more.
  8. Yeah, that's the only difference. We don't have to do a written test.
  9. Thanks for your advice DancingSteve, i'll try that. As for the katas, yes we have to do all of our previous katas. The entire grading lasts between 5-6 hours. 1-2hrs Basics, 1-2hrs Kumite and then the remainder is Katas. Just when you're about to pass out . And we only get a 15minute break throughout the whole thing.
  10. Thanks for all your replies. I think I will still go for Enpi as I will have to do Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai and all the previous katas aswell anyway. Plus, we only get the choice of either Enpi, Jion, Jitte ot Ji'in, and out of them the only one I know off by heart is Enpi. JUst got to master the end jump, as i'm having difficulties with that .
  11. No I mean for my black belt in May. Maybe its different for other people but we get the choice of Empi, Jion, Ji'in or Jitte. It's Shotokan Karate by the way.
  12. At the moment I am thinking that I will do Enpi. What do you recommend? Which did you do?
  13. Hi my name is Marc Norris, im 16 from England and i've been doing Shotokan Karate for about 6 years, under Lawrence Elcock. I will be taking my black belt in May this year. Look forward to talking with you guys. Thanks, Marc
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