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omoplata36's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hey all, I have a few kimonos. So maybe this may help. I have 2 Koral kimonos which i really like alot. I also have an Atama gold weave and an Adidas. I had an Atama double weave but that kimono was so rough it burned my wrists and neck,the golden weave is a little better,but not much. the Adidas is cool,but it's reallt heavy I only wear that one during the winter. I like the Koral the best.I'm planning on getting another in the near future. Some guys think they are a little thin. I find them relly comfortable and the lapel is pretty strong with out being to heavy Peace
  2. hey everybody, I've been training Machado Jiu Jitsu with Roger Machado for about 2 years. I've also trained with Rigan, John,Mica Cipili and Paolo guillobel. I'm still a white belt. There doesn't seem to be a strict requirement of techniques for each belt. some of the guys have been training a lot longer than me and some are still white belts.Since there is no standardized curriculum I believe the Machado's base giving belts on knowing their students. what I mean by that is rolling with them and watching their progress. i'vfe been told it takes at least 10 years to progress to black. It could happen sooer , but you need a lot of mat time. Peace 3rd black American Kenpo 2 stripe white belt Machado Jiu Jitsu
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