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Everything posted by sensik

  1. i have studied hapkido for around 7 years now i am a black belt and teach. and i love hapkido. it can be tied in to so many ways of martial arts. and you can do each attack differntly.
  2. Hey yall, I am needing a little bit more weight when i train. And i was told of a weighted Gi. And i have no clue were to get one please reply or email bnk_10@yahoo.com
  3. I am in the need of some weighted training equipment. And cant find any worth a jump. I am looking for a weighted suit, and cant find any good ones neither. If any one know where i can find one. Or if you can make one please replyor email me at bnk_10@yahoo.com
  4. i practice martial arts because with eavh punch and kick you learn something, gain something, leave something. you can also push your body to new hights. and there is nothing that the human body can do. that is why i practice martial arts.
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