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    you name it
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    Billing Service Owner/Student Manager/Event Coordinator

kickbuttmom's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. As the Student Manager at benedictbm's dojo (and of course monkeygirl, how could I forget her? not likely since she's sitting right here) anyhow.... we find buddy weeks to be a lot of fun. One of our students is responsible for at least 10 others, and they are all still having a great time of it too. You have to be careful of how often you do it though, your students begin to wonder if they are your only marketing program, little do they know that advertising dollars can never replace a good word from their mouths. Twice a year we do what is known as buddy sponsorships, this runs for an entire month and has met with varying degrees of success (depends mostly on our local economy). Each of our students is given buddy sponsorship coupons that entitle the buddy to one month of classes, sometimes it will include a loaner gi (which we hope they keep and pay for). Our students get the incentive of receiving prizes for each of their buddies that actually enroll; 1=a dojo logo t-shirt, 2=belt display rack, 3=jumbo sport bag, 4=standing heavy bag, and 5=a free year of tuition. In my time at this school I have seen people get four a couple of different times, so far no fives - but I'm sure the day will come. Focus your chi at monkeygirl, her brother and the other 5 who enter the sparring phase of their Black Belt test on Wednesday night - round about 7:45 EST shuld see one of them "in the circle", (and this mom with no fingernails - she's good but she's still my little girl).
  2. If you have young students (or young at heart) you could have a day of real silliness... make them sing a song (ie. Old McDonald Had a Farm) while they spar. This is actually very hard to do... it pulls your concentration, makes you choke on your mouthgaurd, requires breathing, and generally gets them all giggling so much they forget to be uptight about it. If your students are older and not so open to pure silliness in the serious atmosphere of the dojo you can still make this work by having them recite a favorite - it could be a children's poem, the student creed, pledge of allegiance or if you really want to work them out... the Gettysburg Address. Whatever you do, remember that the key is variety... anything new is not boring.. --have them spar on their knees - makes kicking almost impossible --back to back partners, tie them together and make them defend as a team --musical sparring, the soundtrack to "Rocky" works well, but anything with a good beat does. When the song changes so do partners. --anything that challenges their sense of balance will ultimately help their sparring. We do some fun things like rooftop, gladiator and sumo sparring... the kids love it. Especially when one of my assistant instructors "loses" to one of the youngest! That kid was a tiger later. --that reminds me... we do animal sparring too.....ever tried sparring a slug?
  3. In Pennsylvania we are required to have contracts. Recent legislative efforts are forcing us to bow to the restrictive measures of the Health Club Act of PA. However, a contract is really a matter of trust. our studio offers three lengths, 3, 6 and 12 months. You trust the owner to train you and the owner trusts you to pay and stick around long enough to benefit from his/her method. If you cannot give a contract a serious go I would question your commitment in other areas too. By all means, insist on and get that trial period.... the trainer needs to have confidence in his product too.
  4. I agree with omni.. I know there is a phenomenom out there called McDojo and you may have been another victim. Our studio had a young man leave in disgrace, he was totally disrespectful to not only the facility, but to the Master also. This young man was an instructor, given much trust and responsibility. He gave back deceit, dishonor and the gall to use the studio as his private love nest. Understandably, he was asked to leave... He then increased his campaign of disrespect to the point that his 2nd degree Black Belt (and first, for that matter) was revoked. It was an extreme measure.. but it was warranted. To get back to the point.. this young man then went down the road, just 11 miles mind you, to another studio. To be fair, I cannot imagine he told them he was demoted. To be honest, I don't think they would have cared. The young man was given a school of his own to run and a 3rd degree on his belt. We even recently found out that he will soon be testing for #4. Obviously, the man has not earned these things. At last report there were only 2 students in his school. All that does not matter as much as the grave injustice he perpetuates by representing himself as a 3rd (soon to be 4th) degree Black Belt. And so, boys and girls, you have a good explanation of how someone can "say" they are one thing and spar another....... the proof is always in the pudding and the true measure of the man will always show in the end. Count yourself lucky that you found out when you did, before you had wasted any time or money training under this imposter. Money is replacable, granted... not always easily. However, time spent unwisely is time lost forever. Every moment is precious and something to be hoarded and protected more diligently than your finest posession. My husband says no one will believe a 20 year old 4th degree Black Belt. My fear is that the general public really does not know any better. Protect your art as vehemently as you would protect yourself.
  5. Oh, I kind of disagree with all of the previous posters (monkeygirl included, sorry hon) Because I think you have been shown a high level of respect..... what you have just met is jealousy, pure and simple. Your tormentors either do not have the stamina, fortitude or sheer guts to meet you toe-to-toe. Otherwise they wouldn't be taunting you from across the way. Hold your head high as the receptacle of the vast knowlege your instructor imparts to you. Be assured in that knowlege that you alone know the full power and potential inside of your being. They do not determine the person you are or will ultimately be- only you have that power. I know it sort of dates me but so does the admission of which poster is my kid.... ..... hold out your hand, that awesome weapon that cannot be taken from you, look at your tormentor with the most sympathy you can find and simply say "won't you join me?" Then if they still want to be jerks tell them to talk to that hand and walk away in the supreme knowlege that YOU could have kicked their butts (my specialty) but chose to let them skate another day!!!
  6. Hello to all, Monkeygirl has been telling me about this site for ages so I thought I would finally come take a look. Some of us old people move slower than you young ones... however as all the "old fogies" know, that doesn't make us any less deadly. Just thought I would hop in and say hi, check out the hub-bub and see what monkeygirl (who also happens to be my daughter bty) keeps talking about. _________________ if you do what you always did... you'll get what you always got. Carpe Diem, Semper Fi Black Belt-Sukiran Ryukyu Karate, Okinawa Purple Belt-Thompson's Karate, PA, USA [ This Message was edited by: kickbuttmom on 2002-08-03 01:52 ]
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