Ask yourself this, if Chi/Ki/Qi is eneregy that exclusively comes from the earth, then why does it involve breathing? I think to best use Chi/Ki energy, which I believe is the natural life force energy that's everywhere, you have to root yourself to the earth in your stances and movements because understanding and using gravity allows you to have the most power and efficiency in all around body and energy movement. But I don't think Ki is something that just comes up out of the earth. When you do Chi or qigong exercises it always involves breathing and bringing that energy from the air into your center and then using that energy in different ways, but how we gather in more energy originally involves breathing, and I associate breathing with breath and spirit. I think we all have our natural Chi/Ki that's part of our breath of life that God's given us, that's where all our energy comes from and God continually supplies us with all of the spirit energy we need while we're alive. Qigong to me, when we take in air, and build up extra chi, it's like feeding off the constant IAM spirit presence of God that's in the air. Genesis 2: verse 7: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and BREATHED into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE; and man became a living soul." The breath of life, the holy ghost in all living things, and the constant spirit of God in the air all around us to me is what makes up Chi/Ki energy. EVERYTHING comes from God. He is the Lord of Spirits. All spirits come from him, all energy/spirit comes from him, all life energy flows and is supplied/replenished by the Spirit of God. Whether it's a demonic spirit, an angel, or the soul and spirit of a human being it all comes and is sustained by God. John 20, verse 22: "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Recieve ye the Holy Ghost:..." Now the Holy Ghost is in everyone, even those that haven't recieved Christ as their Lord and Savior, that is shown many times in the Bible, the one that comes to mind in the N.T. is when the one man in Acts lies about what he's given (he hasn't yet been baptized or recieved the Holy Ghost as Christians do) but once he's called for his lie, he dies and it says that the Holy Ghost left him. This shows that God, the Holy Ghost, is in all of us. The act of recieving the Holy Ghost upon baptizim or accepting Christ as your savior is a sanctification inside yourself where all your sins are forgiven and you are completely restored and replenished spiritually by God with his Holy Spirit and thus born again anew. And like a child you can now understand and see clearly and simply through the Holy Ghost. I bring up the Holy Ghost and distinguish santification from unstanctification because I don't want to make it sound like just doing Tai Chi breathing fills you with the baptizim of the Holy Ghost and makes you a new creature as is written in scripture and experienced today. But I do believe that God is everywhere and Chi is part of his spirit energy that surrounds us and sustanins us in everyday life through our breathing which is where I think Chi energy comes from. In short, to me, I think Chi energy is the Life Breath that God has given us and that constantly circulates through us as we breath. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost, and that deals with the Spirit/breath of life in all of us.