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username9715's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Just wanted to express a thought as to rhythm. We all try to develop rhythm so we practice hard. When we say rhythm do we mean the type similar to what musicians use in music, the steady rhythmic beat used to set the tempo and so on? As I understand rhythm in budo; it is that rhythm similar to what we see, hear, feel, and sense in nature itself. Wind has a rhythm, the flow of water has a rhythm. It does not follow a specific pace or pattern yet it has rhythm. When we first practice we develop a rhythm that has a specific tempo that is unique to each of us. To continue along that path we must endeavor to develop a more natural (as in relation to mother nature). When next hiking outdoors, stay in the moment, focus on nature, study this carefully. Bibliography Lowry, Dave. Sword and Brush: The Spirit of the Martial Arts. Boston: Shambhala, 1995
  2. I am a budo-ka. Domo Arigato Gozaimasta.
  3. You have not earned their respect yet. Be fair, be persistant, be consistent, be honorable, lead by example. Practice. Let you actions speak for you. If they will not follow then the atmosphere of the dojo is in need of adjustment which is not your responsibility.
  4. I teach bunkai when they learn the basics and continue with kata a so on from the very start. I have several ways. I first go through it with students step by step then we do kata drills with uke/seme. Then we use bunkai and kata techniques in ippon kumite, etc. We have no seperation. Respectfully,
  5. There are some adjustments necessary when you age yet I wouldn't give it much thought. At that stage your experience and other esoteric qualities will carry you through. I am 53
  6. Take a look at the USMA if that is your path. http://www.mararts.org/
  7. In my opinion no one under 18 should hold yudansha. If they do it should be a rarity. If I see that many black belts it makes me wonder what the requirements are and why? I would have a good deal of concerns in this dojo.
  8. Good Afternoon, Maybe you are focusing to much on quantity vs quality. I have concerns when a sensei requires quantity to promote. Personally if one of my students can learn, truly learn, a kata then perfect it in form, technique, mushin, zanshin, kumite and life then I would award them Sho-dan vs when they have learned the eight empty hand kata of my style. When you get down to it kata holds so much more than you can imagine. I practice my basics and kata daily and I have been doing this for about thirty-one years. Have a nice day!
  9. 1. 55 a month 2. Isshinryu 3. Two days due to rental space. 4. None
  10. Good Afternoon, All I can not go deep into the significance of rei in such a short reply yet I can tell you that a proper rei: Stand in musubi dachi. Hands move gently to the sides with palms gently touching the outer thigh, no slapping. Bend at the waist keeping the back straight along with the alignment of the neck and head. Eyes stay in place so when you bow your direct vision goes to the floor. Bend exactly thirty degrees. Hold the bow for a moment then straighten back up. Note that you should be a such a distance you can see the other person in your peripheral vision which will allow you to react if the other attacks. How long you hold the rei and so on has significance you should research. If you are pursuing karate-do or bugei or budo or ? then you should study the ettiquette of the martial arts thoroughly. Kanpai Karate-ka!
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