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Everything posted by Blakey

  1. I never write lession plans, start with warm up then kihnon then whatever I feel like or what people have asked for
  2. Think I paid £50 for my 2nd DAN. I hate it when its all about the money I mean $800 for a grading is draft. The belt or grade should be about the persons ability not how much they are willing to pay. Some people however do seem very eager to move up the grades very fast, I've been 2nd DAN for 6 years now and I'am just starting to think about maybe going for 3rd DAN. But to be honest I'm not that bothered about grade , its more a ability, knowledge and effort.
  3. Hi all, thought I should introduce myself. I am a 24 year old police officer for the UK. I have practised many different martial arts. I started training at 6 and properly at 9, I train anything up to 12 session a week but rarely get time to any more. My main styles are Shutokai Karate, kick-boxing and now I am mainly training in Gendo kai Karate (a very small style not well known). I enjoy training hard, and with many different instructors as they all have something to teach me.
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