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Personal Information

  • Location
    Oxford, England
  • Interests
    Training, Movies, books, and Living my life.
  • Occupation
    Scientist, assn Instructor

kinky's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Iamrushman, Just to put things into perspective, I run the club with my brother who is the same grade as me and has been training as long as I have. We are part of a net work of 22 clubs under my instructor who recently gained his 5th dan and his wife who at the same time received her 4th dan. All the instructors get together to discuss teaching practices so we both get alot of support, then our clubs all belong to the TAGB so we also have their support as well. I just don't want anyone out there thinking that the first thing we did when we strapped on our Black Belts was to start trying to teach people. And to anyone thinking of starting there own club I would say two things, make sure you have plenty of people to go and ask questions and It's a mighty steep learning curve for yourself. Kinky
  2. I started TKD 5 years ago and have been captivated by it ever since, I thought the day I recived my black belt was the proudest of my life, That was until I recently opened a club and started training students myself. Presenting a 6 year old hyperactive (arn't they all at that age) with his yellow tag promotion after his first grading was an amazing feeling. By the way, I'll go with 70/30 spilt legs to hands. Kinky
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