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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shorin-Ryu,Gung Fu, Kobudo etc.
  • Location
    Cedar Rapids,Ia
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White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Awe you finally said what I was looking for. In a manner of words yes mine look different as like you said who grew up with one-meaning computer. Let me put it this way think Commador vic20 or vic80. But back to the subject at hand. One of the biggest benefits of kata is learning how to move from technique to technique and what transpires in between. That is something you can't get from simple repetition drills. And finally, the simpler you keep your kata, the more realistic it becomes. This makes it much easier for your kata to become fighting applicable. You have different wording of coarse but in a nutshell see it the same way I do vice versa. This is what I was trying to get at, how to apply each technique to technique. I will say now that I do agree with you. I look forward to reading this up and coming article and others you have here. Domo Arigato
  2. First excuse my bad typing and formatting inshich it lays. I am older then you, let me put it that way. The ten to fifteen year time gap between our ages and where we were taught makes a difference, times do change. When I am referring to this I am looking back at what I had to go through back in the day. It was cold hearted disapline when I look back. Yes maybe it was from the wrong people. But however they still teach and with great success. Maybe since that time frame they have been able to harness this type of method and bring it under control. I still stuck it out and went on, eventually I had the opprotunities just like you to go overseas to Asia and learn with focus towards the art. I guess maybe overall this is why they are not with any organizations Like Tadashi Yamashita's dojo's by example Jeff Batemans Isshinken Academy Of Martial Arts. Looking at what he has done meaning Jeff it is quit impressive. What titles/trophies etc. do you have?( Just curious) I am not saying that katas arent important and they do help you build self confidence etc. But I find it hard to believe that you would have been in enough fights outside a dojo to know that each move in a kata will directly stop each and everything that a person or persons will throw out at you as you never know what moves they are going to use towards you. I on the other hand live in a very rough neighborhood and people get robbed almost everyday here. I wouldnt use like I said every prescribed move from a kata, but however many from alot of katas mixed together. You are good writer ad I appreciate your responces.
  3. I see what you are saying, but think for a second here in what you are saying. Now for example if you were to say I dont want to do this kata to a master and go on and tell him why etc. This of coarse would either end up with you doing one or two things alot of sit ups and push ups or being thrown out for not listening to them. From the beginning you are taught to replicate kata by other people with only two choices either do it and stay or dont do it and well go on your way. Most of the time through past experience if you happen to go off coarse in any manner you end up punished. This is my past experience and I am sure other people can relate. A few extra sit ups or push up never hurt anyone but does teach people not to be devine of their own inspiration. Maybe on that Island you can be more individual and do what you want when you want ,but not so much here. I believe in using movements that do something directly with a no beat around the bush type attitude applied. I dont believe any kata what so ever can be applied to any given situation without a bend in its form. You must adapt to that situation and use what is best for the best outcome. This is my view.
  4. I tend to agree with Bashido_man69 in what he has said. What I am sayig is there are some offensive and defensive movements that you would use and when you sit back and look at these and compaire them to what is taught they are some what different. I to would block my head and any other areas that are vital in different ways other then shown in katas like the high and low blocks. I also do not stand in some of the crouch postions that are taught too. I do maintain balance and all that good stuff and defensively give punches that usually end right then and there. I understand your view point completely. But in a manner of speaking they are yours and others in this same style may have very different feelings as I have stated Hanshi Tadashi Yamashita. I don't know if you have ever met him, he is a very nice man. I have read alot of what you have written and I agree with some of it but not all of it. Remember a pond without fish is not worth looking and a valley without life is not worth the journey. You should consider other peoples views and apply them as you would any other thing you learn. Thats is what makes us human and not robots. Just as I have read what you have I will take what I have learned from you and apply it the way I have learned it. Thats the way I am.
  5. I am talking about when in a true fight sense, You cant tell me that you would stand shoulders square and front kick like you learn or practise in katas. And further more I was agreeing with you then adding my own view of what I feel is right. I to practice to be a great fighter but not in the same sense. when I practice a kata I do think of the person whom created it and what they were thinking when they concepted it and what I can do to improve it for myself. You cant apply a kata to a everyday event but use bits and pieces, if you do you'll either get yourself killed or severly made fun of. that's my view.
  6. You are exactly right. I believe that you must in any situation use non traditional movements/forms/katas. You must learn to be fluid not in form. although katas help you learn discapline etc. etc. And bascially give honor to the elders like Hanshi SHugoro Nakazato, Hanshi Tadashi Yamashita,Hanshi Matayoshi and many of the past master whom have dedicated their lifes to formaing katas. I would write a whole heck of alot more but I believe in being short.
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