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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan, Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu
  • Location
    boothwyn, pa
  • Interests
    God, karate, programming
  • Occupation

larryjf's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. i think it would be very important not to let anger get the best of you. When adreniline is pumping it is harder to control yourself. Also, targeting is extremely important.
  2. i use my hip for power. at the moment of impact my supporting foot turns to point in the opposite direction of my opponent.
  3. i work out 3 times a week. and, because of all the sweating that i do i wash my belt once a week. i think it's pretty nasty to have a sweat-filled belt that you wear all the time.
  4. martial_artist has a very good point about being off balance even when throwing punches. This is one of the things taught in jujitsu - how to take someones punch and use their force to take them down to the ground.
  5. Treebranch, I think you missed Bruce Lee's point - he agrees with you. He would NOT kick to the head.
  6. i would recommend shaolin or kempo. kempo (not kenpo) is the where shaolin came from - so it is very ancient and chinese in origin.
  7. it is a valid style. It is Chinese and internal. Because it is internal some people have a problem with the "spiritual" side of the art conflicting with their own spiritual beliefs.
  8. Try and see which martial art is more in tune with your personality (look at a good number of martial arts, not just a couple). Then, go with the one that best suits you.
  9. Bruce Lee said something like this... "I would no more kick someone in the head than I would punch them in the foot" Just something to consider.
  10. The only problem that i can see with sport karate is that it trains you to hit at non-vital targets. In a real situation one of the most important things is targeting. So, if you are doing sports karate i would suggest you also take time to train on targeting certain areas of an attacker (ie: knee, groin, etc.)
  11. larryjf


    I am a black belt in shotokan, training for my 2nd degree now. I am a black belt in Jujitsu (1st degree). But, my focus now is on shotokan.
  12. Here is a link to the article that tells about this "secret double bone block". It sounds pretty interesting, please let me know what you guys think about it. http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=334 Thanx.
  13. One of my favourite techniques (not for the ring)... lead side kick to knee - backfist to temple - reverse punch to throat - front kick to groin - knee to face I really like combinations.
  14. I would say that i practice mainly for fun and it is a great way of excersize. There may be better ways of excersizing, but none that i would have fun with. I really enjoy the martial arts, and i think that if you have an excersize routine that you actually enjoy then the excersize will pay off more because you won't make excuses not to workout. Also, for self-preservation - i rely on God for that. There is always someone who can beat you down in a real fight. There is no one who can defeat God. So, my best bet is to trust in Him.
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